However, he discovered that no one would buy his crop because too many people had already grown the vegetable, the wholesale price of which had plunged to a low of 8 Chinese cents per pound.
Price is low and the next one is on its way, so just a matter of time, it's also made from small craft We are working on a leather line.
Tina and Linda want to make some money by selling some cosmetic products, because one of Linda's girl friends can get those products at a very low price.
"Geely is looking at how to move upscale in terms of technology, quality, and image, and this may be a one-time opportunity to buy assets at a low price," says Dunne.
On the one hand, radio gained popularity because of its low price mul-information.
Pedigree no one seems to praise, perhaps not because of his low price and so we feel good.
Nonivamide is also one of our main products, with high quality and low price, it has a wide application in military, medicine, agriculture and various areas.
One of the noticeable problems is that waste water is quite serious, because the current water price is comparatively too low to measure people's behaviors.
Glass, glass manufacturers, adjusted adjusted glass adjusted direct, glass adjusted price is low, the glass fiber glass cotton belong to one category, is a kind of man-made inorganic fibers.
Silky chicken breed is one of the ancient Chinese native breeds with high medicine value, but there exist low reproduction and high price.
SAC also emphasizes the low cost of its SFQ2040, only one third of the price of the US-made HMWWV.
In the real balance for the transaction demand, at least one part is the cost of searching information for seeking low price.
The floor drain is one lf small sanitary equipment in the indoor floor draining system, Because it is of small volume and low price, it is usually ignored in the house decoration.
But it is worth noting that the set of security lines Donghang Although Air low, but higher than the loss of more than one billion, it may be higher in price when the hedge.
Bamboos are one of the best biomass materials, which have good properties, quick growth, richness in natural resources, and low price.
Iron oxide with the high sulfur capacity, the high reactivity, extensive sources and low price is considered as one of the most favorable sorbents for bulk removal of H2S.
Sloping roof window is one of the popular means of design in civil architecture because of the obvious advantages of plentiful sculpts, excellent view and the high quality with low price level.
老虎窗具有造型丰富、视线良好、物美价廉的优点 ,是目前民用建筑在坡屋顶常用的设计手段之一。
The raw material in the invention is from one of agricultural solid wastes, has low price and cannot cause any pollution to the environment.
What's more delightful is that Swarovski DIY crystal has the relatively low price, only one eighth or one tenth of that at special counter.
What's more delightful is that Swarovski DIY crystal has the relatively low price, only one eighth or one tenth of that at special counter.