The middle crust and the lower crust is in the ductile field.
In lower crust, faults often consist of a series of secondary fractures.
The primitive Pb was mainly derived from the lower crust and upper mantle;
矿床中的原 始铅主要来源于地壳深部或上地幔;
The metallogenic source material comes from the upper mantle and the lower crust.
The crust is multilayered and there exists a low velocity layer in the lower crust.
It is postulated that a high conductive body exists in the lower crust or upper mantle.
The faulting might be attributed to the ascending lower crust-derived fluids after the Late Miocene epoch.
The parent magma of several rock series formed earliest originated from the lower crust of granulite facies;
In general, the composition of lower crust is close to basalt and the composition of upper crust is similar to granite.
The volcanic rocks resulted from upper mantle in Mesozoic group, and volcanic rocks from lower crust in Palapene system.
The intrusive is believed to be syntectic type with its diagenetie materials derived from the lower crust and upper mantle.
The results in this study reconfirmed that the lower crust fluid played an important role in the mineralization of Daping mine.
The deeply studies show the GD intrusions was mixed by magmas from mantle and from lower crust, without the effect of subduction system.
The amphibolite xenoliths were from the upper part of lower crust and the lower part of middle crust, bring up to the shallow area of crust .
This paper deals with some results of experimental study on semi-brittle behavior of rocks at the conditions relevant to the middle-lower crust.
The Chishui EW strike structure within basement extends eastward to Lianyuan in Hunan province, which extends probably down to middle-lower crust.
The OBS has recorded Moho and other seismic waves, the sedimentary layer, the upper crust layer and the lower crust layer can be identified from it.
Under the influences of mantle and lower crust, the low-velocity layers alternating with high conductive layers distribution occurred in middle crust.
The data mentioned above lead to suggest that the granulites are the representatives of middle to lower crust formed round about late Proterozoic era.
By using 3-d gravity forward calculation, we obtained the deep gravity anomalies of Tai-wan from its Bouguer anomaly. Its depth corresponds to the lower crust.
It is a porphyry copper-silver-tin deposit that occurs in the transitional crust and was formed by derivatives of the lower crustal-upper mantle transitional magma.
The measurements of the elastic wave velocity of lower crustal rocks may provide valuable information on the composition and physical properties of the lower crust.
The metallogenic mechanism is as follows: in the latest Jurassic, the melting layers of granite magma in the lower crust were formed by the regional plate movement.
The lithochemistry, REE and isotope characteristic of strontium, oxygen and lead of Laowan granite show that the granite originates from lower crust by partial melting.
The horizontal low velocity layer, the vertical low velocity zone and the high velocity layer in the basement of the lower crust are related to the ore_forming processes.
The weighed average composition of xenoliths shows a more mafic composition of the lower crust than that estimated from granulite data, which may imply the difference in the genesis.
The source area of K-rich magmatic rocks in the Dabie area is closely related to the enriched mantle, while the rocks in the lower Yangtze Valley area are more affined to the lower crust.
The volcanic activities have relations to the heat-flow upwelling, crust thinning, upper mantle and lower crust melting, and upward movement of the melt materials along the block boundaries.
The lithosphere beneath this area is associated with high temperature, low strength and intensive rheological stratification, and the lower crust is characterized by ductile flow deformation.
The high frequency part of Dongsha high-value magnetic anomaly may be related with Cenozoic basalt and Mesozoic magmatic rocks, and the low frequency part developing high-velocity lower crust.