How many items were evicted from the cache using the LRU (least recently used) algorithm?
The memory region is a pure-memory cache region that uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.
内存区域是一个使用最近最少算法(Least Recently Used,LRU)的纯内存缓存区域。
Entries for the dentry cache are allocated from the dentry_cache slab allocator and use a least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm to prune entries when memory pressure exists.
dentry缓存的条目从dentry_cacheslab分配器分配,并且在缓存存在压力时使用最近不使用(least - recently - used,LRU)算法删除条目。
Entries for the dentry cache are allocated from the dentry_cache slab allocator and use a least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm to prune entries when memory pressure exists.
dentry缓存的条目从dentry_cacheslab分配器分配,并且在缓存存在压力时使用最近不使用(least - recently - used,LRU)算法删除条目。