The graduated scale to be provided for circulating lube oil tank.
It also has an excellent effect for paraffin-base lube oil after compounded with T803B.
与T803 B复配后,对石蜡基油也有较好的降凝效果。
The main engine lube oil is very important for the stability work of the diesel engine.
Effects of raw material and product color of alkyl naphthalene on the pour point depression of lube oil were investigated.
Domestic has conducted many years research in the lube oil salvage technology aspect, and had some quite mature technology.
Then researching the forerunner PID control technique of the lube oil temperature control system, It is the first time take the nerve network PID control to them.
The repair practice proved that: by means of adopting reasonable welding repair process, the welding repair of lube oil cooler head made by cast iron was successful.
This text first introduction the work principle of the ship lube oil temperature control system and the project of the intelligence lube oil temperature control system.
Descriptions are presented on latest specification of diesel engine oil and its evaluation procedure, which can be guidance for development and application of lube oil in China.
Commercial tests for the imported filter aids ECA7433 and SDA1615 were carried out in heavy lube oil benzol-ketone dewaxing unit in the refinery of Maoming Petrochemical Company.
在茂名石化公司炼油厂重质(?) 苯脱腊装置上对进口ECA7433和SDA1615两种助滤剂进行了工业试验。
It is advantageous to exaltation diesel engine of motive and to some extent can decrease the fuel consume quantity and waste gas of creation if we can control the lube oil on a well temperature.
It is advantageous to exaltation diesel engine of motive and to some extent can decrease the fuel consume quantity and waste gas of creation if we can control the lube oil on a well temperature.