Listing 9 provides the macro definition.
Listing 7 shows the macro definition to define math symbols using these functions.
The character is used incorrectly in the formal parameter list of a macro definition.
Comes with a variety of colors macro definition, has achieved a dynamic flow of rainbow effect.
The action taken by the assembler when it replaces a variable symbol with a value , for example , during the expansion of a macro definition.
To produce assembler language statements from the model statements of a macro definition when the definition is called by a macroinstruction.
Supports RGB and YUY2 (4:2:2) output format camera with a resolution of 176x144 or 352x288 two kinds of support (you can modify the macro definition).
When this macro executes, it will match the my-if expression up to the template like this (in other words, matching a macro invocation to a macro definition pattern).
在这个宏执行时,它按照以下形式将my - if表达式与模板进行匹配(换句话说,将宏调用与宏定义模式进行匹配)。
Listing 10 is what the macro definition for the previous macro invocation might look like (all functions prefixed with webserver: are hypothetical functions provided by the web server).
The formation of the unique style of the periodical of educational theory entails the emphasis on the macro definition of its position, the development of its content and the founding of its form.
Despite this, there is no pure or absolute definition of what makes a landscape in photography, as such it has become very broad term, encompassing urban, industrial, macro and nature photography.
The inclusion of iostream and the definition of the EXPORT_API macro can be considered code-invariant parts of the file throughout the scope of the project.
The outline function is generated with the SSAX:make-parser macro, which allows the definition of several event types.
outline函数由 SSAX:make-parser宏生成。允许定义几种事件类型。
Together with the macro YYLLOC_DEFAULT (see the Bison documentation for the default definition), Bison calculates the location of an expression.
使用宏 YYLLOC_DEFAULT(请参看Bison文档 中默认的定义),Bison可以计算出某个表达式的位置。
You must provide a definition for this function. Also, the macro BOOST_ENABLE_ASSERT_HANDLER must be defined before including the assert.hpp
A joint use of both features facilitates the definition of new statements without extending the syntax and without using macro-like meta-programming facilities.
This paper compares the current literatures from which abstract the contagion definition, then analyzes the micro and macro base of contagion effect.
This paper studies the system frame, function definition, analysis method, system construction and system operation of the macro trend monitoring system of technology innovation in enterprise.
The essay is divided into four parts. The first chapter discusses the definition of refugee, refugee protection and the refugee agency, in order to form the macro understanding.
From the beginning of the definition of the damage variable, the definition methods of damage variable and their according damage models based on micro - and macro-theory.
We will study this article mainly on the macro-exploration, comprehensive analyze the definition, classification and function of contemporary Russian adverbs.
If a macro has multiple definitions, NMAKE USES the highest-precedence definition.
If a macro has multiple definitions, NMAKE USES the highest-precedence definition.