He said Britain would like to strengthen macro economic policy coordination and substantive cooperation with China and continue to push forward UK-China, EU-China relations.
The macro economic condition that set up the crisis stemmed in part from policy choices: the Federal Reserve ignored the housing bubble and kept short-term interest rates too low for too long.
This trend is mainly due to the factors of developing circle of national economy, changes on macro economic policy and level of interest rate.
Second, intensify dialogue and coordination in macro-economic policy.
To enforce those also needs supporting from macro economic policy and relevant laws and regulations.
Sustainable and stable economic growth is the fundamental goal of macro - economic policy in countries.
The exploitation and consumption of tour souvenir constitutes a symbol communication system, which is closely related with designer, producer, merchant, consumer macro-economic policy and so on.
In conclusion, Suggestions for the software industry carrying on international industrial transfer are put forward from the two dimensions of the macro economic policy industry and micro enterprises;
Price stability and full employment are both important objectives of macroeconomic policy. However, problems of unemployment and inflation troubled macro-economic policy-makers around the world.
Fiscal policy has always been the main policy which is implemented in macro-economic control, and it has played an important role in rapid economic growth.
The main tune of macro economic policy in 2003 will be to keep the stability and consistency of policy to further strengthen the basis for economic recovery.
Monetary Policy, one of the social macro-economic policy instruments, may allocate both social resources and financial ones, which are greatly influenced by the social policies.
The pricing policy is an important means of macro-economic regulation and control.
And we make an analysis in the 2nd chapter on the macro environment, including the industrial policy, economic environment, present dairy product technology, as well as the social population.
The policy to promote regional economic and technological cooperation (RETC) occupies an important position in the national macro policy system in the 1990s.
On the one hand corporation reaches its goal of maximal value, on the other hand the national economic target adjusted and controlled by macro-economic tax policy is realized by it.
On the one hand corporation reaches its goal of maximal value, on the other hand the national economic target adjusted and controlled by macro-economic tax policy is realized by it.