So there you have our "alternate universe" casting of classic films were they to be made for the first time today.
This made for a smooth transfer of responsibility and knowledge to the I&T team, without wasting their time in the first two (very rough) builds.
What if classic films like 'the Godfather' or 'Star Wars' had never been made and had to be cast for the first time, today?
But five-time winners Brazil, along with Portugal and the Netherlands, will for the first time be clad in shirts made from recycled polyester in a bid to make the tournament a fraction greener.
First let me identify the cool things in BPMN 1.0 (1.1) which made it one of the most popularly adopted spec in the last few years despite other modeling standards being around for a longer time.
首先,让我来说说在BPMN 1.0(1.1)中是什么了不起的东西使其成为过去几年内采用率最高的规范之一,姑且不论其他建模标准为了这一目标奋斗了更长的时间。
At first we couldn't figure out why they made so much noise when it was time for them to go to sleep, but it was because someone had accidentally taken the toy from their basket.
This is the first time that recycled materials have been added to Olympic medals, which historically have been made from mined mineral deposits refined for commercial use.
Here are a few of the most interesting individuals who either made the Forbes list for the first time or added to their existing fortunes in a year when everything else seemed to be collapsing.
Few cosigners know, however, that most lenders allow the cosigner to exitthe contract if loan payments are made on time for the first 12 to 48 monthsand the graduate has excellent credit.
But this week, for the first time, he was forced to face one of his critics in court - and his antagonist, Chee Soon Juan, an opposition politician, made the most of his moment.
Their college enrollment numbers trail women's: Only 43 percent of American undergraduates today are men. Last year, women made up the majority of the work force for the first time.
But this book is brilliant and thought-provoking, and made me understand, for the first time, the power of graphs, charts, and the like.
The recent changes in Washington have made a significant shift in the nation's energy policy a real possibility for the first time in years.
It was made harder too, as I was having my first real injury worries too: a sore left shin, as well as the delicate issue of chafing, which was affecting me for the first time.
Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo made the first team for the first time, earning the second-most points behind the league's defensive player of the year, Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard.
The fabled Northwest Passage has made headlines ever since it thawed last year for the first time.
Charlotte Bobcats forward Gerald Wallace also made the team for the first time, with the Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James making it for the second straight year.
Much has been made about conflicts between Arctic states because of a retreating polar ice cap, which will make many natural resources accessible for the first time.
极地冰冠后退在环北极国家中引发了热议。 随着冰冠消融,下面蕴藏的丰富自然资源将首次浮出水面。
Michelle Obama, who has achieved celebrity status and has wowed the world as a fashion icon, made the list for the first time.
NYAL, Sudan - Joseph Gatyoung Khan made a vow, uttered in the back seat of a Land Cruiser on a very bumpy road, as he headed home for the first time in 22 years: I will not cry.
For the first time in history, recordsof White House visitors will be made available to the public on anongoing basis.
In May Kuwait made headlines when for the first time four women were elected to parliament, a genuinely rambunctious institution.
Strano's team built, for the first time, a fiber made of two layers of nanotubes with different electrical properties — specifically, different bandgaps.
Forbes says for the first time, no Japanese company made it to the list, partly as a result of the March earthquake.
Far from being a moment of heartbreak, my diagnosis was a cause for celebration. For the first time, my life made sense.
This was the first time in my life that I had a full suit of clothes made for me. My father himself had selected the pattern and colour.
The majority of statuetteswent to first-time winners: Many actors and actresses took home the award for the first time, and some new shows made their debut at the ceremony too.
A laser pulse was sent to Lunokhod 1, and contact was made with the rover for the first time in nearly four decades.
It's been 22 years since they made their debut. And this will be the first time in about 15 years for them to perform together.
It's been 22 years since they made their debut. And this will be the first time in about 15 years for them to perform together.