Reading the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly.
In this paper, we introduced the main idea of our study and described the specification for the manual acquisition from the text of administrative area domain in detail.
And, in this text, I try to describe the change of "Great power Idea" in the paintings of Sung Dynasty and two main backgrounds of the working of images.
This paper gives an overview of the main idea and algorithms of Chinese text proofreading, the system structure and applications are discussed too.
The main idea to rules-based model use text documents of the characteristics, structure and so on, to find some rules for extraction.
From the organization supervising, the administration inspecting, public opinion directing, moral supervision and civil servant's property declaring, the main idea of this text is how...
From the organization supervising, the administration inspecting, public opinion directing, moral supervision and civil servant's property declaring, the main idea of this text is how...