Because be achieved formerly, so I choose to convey my article major idea with harangue.
If we consider the major idea of zhuang zi philosophy we must define peripateticism as liberty.
If we consider the major idea of Zhuang Zi philosophy, we must define Peripateticism as liberty.
The methods of strap design are abundant, however, the major idea is only one that design must in vogue.
The major idea of Marxian philosophy is not for the construction but for the criticism and deconstruction of philosophy.
The major idea of the thesis is that the part organ should have better situation and exert more advantages for our society.
A major idea in the UNCTAD report is its call for the development of a better world financial system with a more secure base.
The major idea of the study attempt to raise a point for authorizing a more reasonable and effective urban design guidelines.
The major idea of it is to reflect characteristic of the region, providing government decision-making and studying it for researchers.
You don't have to wait for a major idea, a master strategy, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.
The major idea of this thesis is for criticizing the irrational characteristic of McDonladization and arousing the reflection of social McDonaldization.
You don't have to wait for a major peers in order for a major idea, a master strategy, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.
The idea is to present (critical analysis comes a little bit later) the major ideas in the state of the art right up to, but not including, your own personal brilliant ideas.
When discussing P. E. teaching, some people take it as a hindrance to the development of health education that exercise skill teaching was regarded as major idea in school p.
The major idea of this paper is to develop a system of images fast lossless compression, which realized on the special digital signal processing (DSP) chip of the high speed hardware.
They carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
One idea is as you suggest that major weather patterns, something like El Nino, are responsible.
We are going through a major restructuring and bringing the alternative energy business headquarters into the head office seems a good idea to me.
The idea of using a foodstuff is unusual and means that the body should be able to cope more easily with its application; patients are less likely to experience any major side-effects.
While this might not bring major improvements in itself, the idea is that JVMs could provide better optimizations for these types of call sites.
Mr Berdymukhammedov has signalled interest in the idea of supplying gas to various destinations, including Europe, but has made no major new commitments.
Ohmae was also influential in spreading the idea that a major difference between Japanese corporations and their western counterparts was the time frame within which they worked.
That should be enough to give you an overall idea of how the major data structures are laid out in CVM.
She took her idea to the major computer companies in 1980, and asked for a chance to distribute their product in her home country.
The main idea is to take care of small issues now before they turn into major problems.
The idea is to do the things that need to be done before they turn into major projects for you later on...
This month, JetBrains announced it released Intellij IDEA 10, a major upgrade to its integrated development environment.
本月,JetBrains发布了Intellij IDEA10——这是该集成开发环境的一次主要更新。
We've got this idea of major chords and minor chords so let me ask you this.
We've got this idea of major chords and minor chords so let me ask you this.