The major interference sources are secondary electric power supply, electric spark and cable, And then some methods of interference suppression are given.
With the rapid growth of power consumption load, staggering power consumption has become one of the major tasks of dispatch department of power supply bureaus.
This paper introduces in Xi 'ni 'er the contents of industrial television system such as composition, plant layout, major function and power supply of reservoir project.
Therefore, the high power factor high-power Switching-Mode power supply becomes the major topic of discussion studying.
Up to now, power supply in Sichuan recovers steadily, and coal storage in major power plants has begun to increase, and oil product stocks remain stable.
Thermal stability and Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) of the voltage reference circuit are the two major factors that influence the precision and stability of the whole system.
Thermal stability and Power Supply Rejection Ratio of the voltage reference circuit are the two major factors that influence the precision and stability of the whole system.
Major characteristics, modular performance, monitoring function of outdoor DC power supply and integrated case components are described, the key points of designing integrated case are given.
The microcontroller of AT89C55WD is the center of system. The paper adopts multiplexing technique and the commercial power plays the role of major supply, with the standby power only as a assistant.
本文以at89c55 WD单片机为控制核心,采用线路复用技术,本着基站以市电供电为主,后备电源供电为辅的运行原则进行远程供电。
I have a city near the river, I flat major work is to introduce the river cities, in urban water supply system around this purpose, the construction of DAMS, power stations and other projects.
Major departments of the company include: Technology, Production, Quality, Market, Supply, Property, Mold Maintenance, Finance, Equipment & Power, and Administration & HR.
Major departments of the company include: Technology, Production, Quality, Market, Supply, Property, Mold Maintenance, Finance, Equipment & Power, and Administration & HR.