This is your sign for BIG CHANGE…use it to make big changes in your life.
Instead of trying to make gradual changes in small increments, make big changes.
In normal times, this makes sense: you shouldn't make big changes in policy until it's clear they're needed.
Making healthy choices helps you have the energy you need to push forward and make big changes in your life.
Updates will be less often because we are starting to integrate a new channel which will force us to make big changes in the game.
That acceleration will cause them to ponder. Whether they end up evolving, or make big changes or do nothing - that's not for me to speculate.
Despite its downtown location, the Rialto Movie Theater, a local institution for five decades, must make big changes or close its doors forever.
It's a different lifestyle, but if you need to make big changes in your budget (ahem, spend less), this tip will get you there quicker than most.
You may not be able to make big changes — or change your job — but you can make small adjustments to your routine that can make every day seem, well, a little less routine.
That is salutary for the many countries that have yet to change public expectations enough to make big, painful structural changes more acceptable.
These measures have one unique thing in common: any person can make these changes, the steps are not expensive to take and even modest improvements to your health will make a big difference.
I've always been part of the 44% of Americans who make (and also break) New Year's resolutions; I'm a big believer in the power of small changes to make us happier.
The summit is not expected to agree to make any big changes to the status quo, for the simple reason that the various leaders do not agree over whether that would be a good idea or counter-productive.
"I think any setback should make us think about good changes," says Michael. "I was not that happy with the large mortgage and big house I lost."
Part of the reason Linux is so secure is that only the root user has the privileges needed to install or remove applications and make other big changes.
I have worked with teams where running regular heartbeat retrospectives made a big difference in the long term but because the changes were gradual and slow they don't make great headlines.
Making a few simple changes, a few different choices can make a big difference in the long run.
These are big steps-make no mistake-and because they involve treaty changes they would have to be sold to voters.
I highly recommend you check out his photography blog, and wish him luck as he tries to make some big changes by the end of the year!
There are lots and lots of small changes you can make, even if you can’t make the big ones you’d like to make.
But some other schools are not yet ready to make any big changes in light of the crisis.
We make about ten ranking changes every week and simplicity is a big consideration in launching every change.
I plan to make no big changes in the staff or in the show, except for one thing.
About 45, 000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK, so it is clear these changes could make a big difference.
By making small changes in your behavior, you can make big improvements in your blood pressure Numbers.
A new report recommends 43 changes that can make big improvements.
Small dietary and other lifestyle changes can together make a big difference - for bad or good.
Too often, the view within the coalition has been that big changes in these areas are too tricky to make or even discuss—so they are best put off to another day.
Too often, the view within the coalition has been that big changes in these areas are too tricky to make or even discuss—so they are best put off to another day.