When I went to Beijing with a still camera, but forgot to bring cameras, mobile phones can only shoot some photos, you make do with it out.
I am really sorry for our mistake, but now the double rooms are fully booked. lili: You mean we have to make do with it, right? Waiter: no, of course.
The person to ask is a magician, somebody whose profession is to fool people and make it look like they can do things with magic.
Worse, when Asian Americans do make an appearance in lesson books, it is often laced with problems.
In desperation, you draft a "to-do" list, but most days, you can make little progress with it.
Exercising with others "can keep you accountable and make it more fun, so you're more likely to do it again," Jackovitz says.
Of course, the best way to explore a program is to do something with it, so this series gets into the code to make a few changes.
(Laughter.) Now, Joe Biden rightly deserves a lot of credit for convincing Arlen to make the switch, but Secretary Clinton actually had a lot to do with it too.
If you can, do this several times. It will only make you more confident with your abilities.
Or even blending familiar shapes and sensations with the abstract to make it more tangible as Tammet can do.
But tell me, dear reader, what do you make of this? I'm all for a bit of insouciance with a greenwash, but would it go with the rug?
No more do I have to make myself lower than you, and become your fan to interact with your page, I just have to like it.
While there is benefit to using a GMS, it may not make sense to do that with a small team or a mature application that is not changing much.
It has the genes with which to make its own ribosomes, though, and as time goes by it will do so, diluting out the legacy that got it started.
With multimedia, you don 't have to be a passive recipient. You can control. You can interact. You can make it do what you want it to do.
We do not develop software to make it object oriented, or to comply with any other paradigm.
That is a mystery, but it may have something to do with the way knowledge of how to make the tools was transmitted from group to group.
"Of course, a woman can make it by herself but she can do it faster with a man," said Gong Haiyan, founder of Shiji Jiayuan, one of the country's largest dating websites.
It can do this because the smaller networks that make up the Internet, known as autonomous systems, communicate with each other through routers.
CUTTING BACK When families must make do with less, children may not be able to grasp the bigger picture, or they may be frightened by it.
Try not to be too emotional with those around you. Being unappreciated by your boss could make it hard to do your work effectively.
Those with severe head injuries or ruptured arteries do not make it to the operating table.
The headline doesn't do justice to the column, but it perfectly sums up a general American attitude which, if I were Iraqi, would make me incandescent with rage.
The Sailfish's blue stripes certainly make a statement but it has nothing to do with fashion.
Admirers may find it hard to deal with your inexplicable changes, so the best thing to do is to make a conscious effort to work on the positive side of any upsetting situation.
Choose wisely and carefully - avoid people who make you feel a lesser person in any way, and even with those you do trust, take it slowly.
If you make friends with it, you have to put work into it, and then it'll come back and feed you, it'll really do it.
In dealing with human relations, Confucius also proposed his pointview: "don't make others do things you don't want to do". It became mottos of many people and the guidelines for their behaviors.
Now this seems to make perfect sense and yet we do notconsciously think about it with pick up.
Now this seems to make perfect sense and yet we do notconsciously think about it with pick up.