The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.
Make waking up early a reward. Yes, it might seem at first that you're forcing yourself to do something hard, but if you make it pleasurable, soon you will look forward to waking up early.
The code review findings let you catch and correct problems early, when it is easiest and least expensive to make changes.
It became extinct in Britain in the early 19th Century but is being returned to the wild along Scotland's East and West coasts.carrying off lambs, evidence that farmers need to make their point.
It aired unusually early, in August, to make way for NBC's National Football League telecast.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen seized the opportunity to transform this early PC into a breakthrough — the Altair needed software, a programming language that could make it perform useful computing tasks.
By the time I make it to the parent-teacher conferences in early September, when I hear about all the things I'm supposed to be doing with the kids, I'm well into panic mode.
It is hoped that the two sides will grasp the opportunity and actively push forward the negotiations with a conscientious and pragmatic attitude so as to make positive progress at an early date.
Don't starve yourself during the early part of Thanksgiving Day, with the idea that you're just "saving room" for all the food, or that this will make it okay for you to overeat later.
McCammon says the new statistics make it look like history is repeating itself, like a flashback to the epidemic of the early 80's, when AIDS first appeared.
He has redesigned the protein heads of his tadpoles, and decided early on that instead of producing the protein himself - an expensive and arduous process - he would pay a company to make it for him.
Commissioned by the noble Peruzzi family, it was whitewashed in the early 1700s to make way for a new chapel design.
Just as raising temperature can change the properties of iron and other metals, early humans heated stone to make it easier to flake.
In the early days of theater costuming, it was extremely difficult to make blue dye, and thus expensive to purchase.
Unit tests make it easier to find and resolve problems early which can translate into huge savings over the life of a project.
Since the new blood test could deliver an answer so early - before a pregnancy is showing or the baby is kicking - it might make getting an abortion easier, several observers said.
It might just be the case that a good technology does not make it because the early adopters abandon it to try something new.
The point is, eating protein early in the day may make it much easier to cut down.
It is much less painful and more time-efficient to make such decisions early, during the outline phase, rather than after you've already done a lot of writing which has to be thrown away.
Early in the second year, however, it became apparent that Fram would not reach the Pole. To achieve his goal, Nansen would have to get out on the ice with sleds and dogs and make a dash for it.
District Attorney Steve Cooley suggested a recent change in state law might make it difficult to keep him behind bars because non-violent offenders are being released early.
In some situations, it may make sense to build key functionality early in order to mitigate risks related to requirements or workflow uncertainties.
A potential sign that you've delegated too early is when those under your supervision make statements like, "I wasn't really sure what you wanted," or you hear it whispered that you're capricious.
That's why it is critical to implement governance and compliance as early as possible and to make sure that consistent code review processes are followed throughout the organization.
That's why it is critical to implement governance and compliance as early as possible and to make sure that consistent code review processes are followed throughout the organization.