If I told the story of her death, I might understand it better, make sense of it-perhaps even change it. What had happened still seemed implausible.
It has been an intense process of catharsis that has helped me to heal many wounds and understand many things that perhaps back then did not seem to make sense.
There's other disorders of language such as receptive aphasia where the person could speak very fluently but the words don't make any sense and they can't understand anybody else.
I'm technophobia. My brother got all the genes required to understand operating manuals, to repair things, or to make sense of computers.
Are there any travel behaviors you don't understand? Any of these that I mention make perfect sense to you?
Visually, light and shadow help us make sense of what we see and help us understand texture, dimension and perspective.
视觉上,光影帮助我们辨别事物,认知他们的材质 、尺度和透视 。
It suddenly seems to make a lot of sense when you understand that reducing the population reduces CO2 emissions, and using more vaccines on more people increases the death rate of the population.
The idea that everything is in the Now is a difficult concept for some of you, but the more you understand that outside of Earth time is not linear it should begin to make sense.
Now, I understand we should cherish every minute of our lifetime. That is to say, make good use of every sense to feel the world and enrich your life.
But your job was not to give up, to keep on trying to make sense out of them anyway, trying to understand things that could never be understood.
It emphasizes finding ways to make sense of these complicated, highly traumatic events, and on using them to understand larger processes of change in American history.
Make sure your subordinates understand your sense of urgency and work toward instilling this in all of your subordinates.
In reality, of course, it is unlikely anyone would understand it this way, as it wouldn't make any sense. But the sentence should be corrected as follows.
To understand or make sense of a different conceptual scheme is, unavoidably, to make it our own.
The important thing is that our society finds it very difficult to make sense of itself, and to understand what the threat is.
Im technophobia. My brother got all the genes required to understand operating manuals, to repair things, or to make sense of computers.
In reality, of course, it is unlikely anyone would understand it this way, as it wouldn't make any sense.
To minimize this confusion, you should make a serious attempt to work the problems on your own before you meet with your group to get a sense of what you do and don't understand.
Using analytics to make sense of big data provides an unparalleled ability to understand the past, monitor the present and anticipate the future.
So it is of great necessity to understand the culture intention in cultural sense, define the concept of cross-cultural sense , and make clear its theoretical construction.
So it is of great necessity to understand the culture intention in cultural sense, define the concept of cross-cultural sense , and make clear its theoretical construction.