There is a mixture of truth competing with mal-intentioned-lobbyist-backed misinformation.
The cost of money is inappropriately cheap, driving mal-investment and creating overcapacity.
One of the major changes in HTML 5 was the standardization for non-standard HTML, or more specifically, mal-formed HTML.
There is some mal-conformation between the number of oil wells and the crude production in the process of oilfield development.
Results the endoscopic features, such as great blood clotting on the ulcer and deep ulcer lesion, have a significant relationship with mal-prognosis.
Wrinkles, blemishes, premature aging, and skin cancer are all symptoms of underlying metabolic mal-function that is affecting the entire body... not just the skin!
Furthermore, the digital simulation results and dynamic simulation data indicate that transformer recovery inrush itself cannot result in mal-operation of differential protection.
Obsequiousness in the journalism is getting worse and worse these days due to mal-competition between the media and misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of the audience's demand.
According to wireless security expert Joshua Wright, the bug has been around for about four years now and, although mostly harmless, could provide an entry point for mal-intentioned visitors.
The system make it easy for the substation operator and maintenance personnel to control grounding status of field, and to prevent the occurrence of security incidents of living mal-operation.
The ballet "La fille mal gardée" contains a well-known clog dance.
Plant Michael Ballack eigentlich, das Team in Köln mal zu besuchen?
At one point he tells himself this, through the voice of Mal, who is a projection of his own subconscious.
Some children who have absence seizures also have grand mal seizures.
Absence seizure - also known as petit mal - involves a brief, sudden lapse of consciousness.
While she learns the ropes, Ariadne takes over as the audience’s guide, a role she also plays for Cobb, who can’t go home to America because of a secret involving his wife, Mal (Marion Cotillard).
MAL denies any negligence and says the reservoir met the required standards when inspected.
The person behind the invitation calls himself Mal 'akh (Hebrew for "angel"), a villain as unique, zealous and bizarre as the monk Silas in the Da Vinci Code.
Six miles away, Mal 'akh was moving through the corridors of the U.S. Capitol Building with a cell phone pressed to his ear. He waited patiently as the line rang.
He was 16 when he suffered his first grand mal epileptic seizure.
McAfee, the computer security company, has released its latest "Mapping the Mal Web" report.
The effluent poured out of a reservoir at the MAL aluminium plant in nearby Ajka on Monday, after a wall cracked and collapsed.
These numerous examples of cross-reactions raise another question: why does Bet v 1 cause an allergy to the Mal d 1 protein but not the other way around?
这么多交叉反应的例子提出了另一个问题:为什么Betv1会导致对Mald 1蛋白质的过敏,反过来Mal d 1却不会导致Bet v 1过敏?
Many old trauma problems such as mal unions and non unions require a unique solution that you need to invent.
Many old trauma problems such as mal unions and non unions require a unique solution that you need to invent.