The snow crackled and the wind whistled around him, it was just the kind of frosty weather a snow Man might thoroughly enjoy.
Scientistssay man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes, such as heat waves, storms, floods, droughts and even cold spells.
Across from me was a tall, large man, middle-aged, with whom I exchanged a few words about the weather and our plans for the following day.
The best book I know on shifts in weather we can expect from global climate change is Tim Flannery's "the weather Makers: How Man is Changing the climate and What It Means for Life on Earth."
我所知道的最好的一本有关预测全球气候变化带来的改变的书,是蒂姆·弗兰纳里写的《气候制造者:人如何改变气候,以及改变对地球生命的影响the Weather Makers: How Manis Changing theClimateandWhatIt Meansfor Life on Earth .》。
Chinese medicine in particular, pay attention to Heaven and Man, think that changes in the weather have a decisive impact on health.
A week later, the second young man also returned. He looked terribly weary and his face was weather-beaten.
A minibus driver in (Louis Koo) in the driving light the way home, due to inclement weather, slippery roads, and trucks across the head-on collision, a Man was killed in a car accident.
A week later, the second young man also returned. He looked terribly weary and his face was weather-beaten.
Scientists say man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes, such as heat waves, storms, floods, droughts and even cold spells.
I am watching weather report. You can use my pen. We can have a snow ball fight and make a snow man in winter. They looks very beautiful. I like the weather in Spring.
For the man sound of body and serene of mind, there is no such thing as bad as weather... Every day has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood, do but make it pulse more vigorously.
I like the weather here and people's friendly, I am a very lucky man, always can meet willing to help me.
The system relies on numerical weather prediction, has friendly man-machine interface, and realizes seamless connection to the energy management system (EMS).
该系统以数值天气预报为基 础,具有良好的人机界面,实现了与能量管理系统(energy management system,EMS)的无缝连接。
The system relies on numerical weather prediction, has friendly man-machine interface, and realizes seamless connection to the energy management system (EMS).
该系统以数值天气预报为基 础,具有良好的人机界面,实现了与能量管理系统(energy management system,EMS)的无缝连接。