Also, you can modify a production order line to add a serial batch number or a manufacturing batch number.
An example can be a set of networked batch manufacturing machines used to bake a cake: a mixer, an oven, and a coater.
Batch drying also permits greater process versatility and can be more easily adapted to changing manufacturing practices.
Manufacturing facilities for small batch production of SCD's are now operational.
We have produced 100 batch product by this new manufacturing technology, They have steady product quality, good salty and duplicity, simple operation.
Futhermore, it can gain foot characteristic size by digital camera and computer graphics disposal technology, so agile manufacturing in small batch comes true.
Manufacturing process has still been a traditionally applied field for robot. The sustaining demands of batch production provides a stage for robot.
There are some deviations to this rule, and in certain manufacturing plants not all of the code protocol was followed exactly, with every batch of tubes.
With small batch experiments, the technical conditions for treatment of saponin manufacturing wastewater by yeast were studied.
Reconfigurable manufacturing technology is applied to the motor production line, because the motor line can respond to the changes of the batch production and variety of product.
Because of high efficiency, high precision and low cost, Injection mold is the first choice for batch manufacturing.
The productive characteristics of valve manufacturing enterprise are discrete with varieties of products, mid batch production.
In this paper, analysis is made on the fact that with the limit of industry characteristics manufacturing enterprises generally use batch production.
MEMS , owning the advantages of ultra fine integrate process , miniaturization, low cost, high reliability and batch manufacturing, pose very promising future in the micro electric contact device.
This series machine is suitable for batch or single manufacturing column straight pinions, slope pinions, helical gear and worm gear.
该机床适用于批量及单件生产加工圆柱直齿轮、斜齿轮、 链轮及蜗轮。
Microstrip interdigital band-pass filters are compact and easy for batch manufacturing. They are suitable for applications in TVRO superheterodyne receivers as image-reject filters.
One alternative is for a Q. P. of the manufacturing authorisation holder making the bulk production batch to certify all the finished product batches before release to the market.
Using the batch queuing system, we obtain the average cost of retailers and manufacturing center, eventually come to the average cost of the entire system.
The system digitizes the surface of shoe last by contact analog probe and realizes rapid manufacturing in great batch.
In this period, avion manufacturing enterprises not only have to complete batch production tasks, but also ready to deal with the new demands of the market at the same time.
My company has wire cut 7 complete advanced machinery manufacturing equipment, complete set in the company can design and batch production.
The pivotal batch manufacturing equipment is standard production equipment operated by production staff with routine QA personnel?
Does the vendor have a process to qualify their suppliers, or to qualify the delivery batch with material certificates, date of manufacturing document, etc.?
The problems of batch manufacturing optical components in laser nuclear fusion are solved by applying the technology of the ultra precision machining.
The paper presents and discusses the manufacturing technology of applying emery on batch roller of projectile weaving machine.
The manufacturing execution systems bridge the gap between the batch oriented business systems and the real- time oriented control systems on the manufacturing plant floor.
Perform the production with Lean Manufacturing process and batch card process with a safe, cost effective, quality and productivity manner.
Semiconductor wafer manufacturing: batch, semi-automated 25-wafer, single or dual chamber chemical stripping, developing and cleaning tool.
Semiconductor wafer manufacturing: batch, semi-automated 25-wafer, single or dual chamber chemical stripping, developing and cleaning tool.