Many of the victims died of suffocation.
Many of the victims were doing last-minute Christmas shopping.
Many of the victims used their mobile phones to inform loved ones of their plight.
He wants to come and put a tent to New Jersey where so many of the victims were from.
The charges were announced in Los Angeles, California, where many of the victims lived.
Witnesses said many of the victims suffered terrible wounds to their faces, limbs and bodies.
It is thought many of the victims had tried to escape the onslaught only to be overcome by its sheer speed and ferocity.
But the identities of many of the victims have yet to be established. The bodies were found in an area that's controlled by the opposition.
Indeed, many of the victims are rebellious teenage girls - often runaways - who have been in trouble with their parents and the law, and at times they think they love their pimps.
The medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres says it's impossible to reach many of the victims of the recent violence in northeast Nigeria, because the area was too dangerous.
And many relatives of kidnapping victims are so intimidated by the threats they receive that they halt their investigations well before they get off the ground.
To tame the beast of poverty, we shouldn't simply count its victims. We need to understand the many savage ways of the beast.
However, many of these crimes go unreported, with many victims remaining invisible, ignored not only by the media but by communities, police and courts.
Using universal health care databases, they were able to determine how many of the traffic accident victims had been treated previously for disruptive behaviour disorders.
You can be sure, that many, many of the German people feel very sympathetic with the Sichuan victims.
Many were among the 700,000 victims of Operation Murambatsvina, when Zanu-PF decided to sweep away entire shanty-towns in 2005.
Many were among the 700, 000 victims of Operation Murambatsvina, when Zanu-PF decided to sweep away entire shanty-towns in 2005.
Many were among the 700, 000 victims of Operation Murambatsvina, when Zanu-PF decided to sweep away entire shanty-towns in 2005.