For example, Guangdong's GDP (at market exchange rates) is almost as big as Indonesia's;
But even at market exchange rates, they accounted for well over half of the increase in global output last year.
Indeed, add in Japan and total Asian domestic spending (at market exchange rates) looks set to overtake America's next year.
And America will only really be eclipsed when China's GDP outstrips it in plain dollar terms, converted at market exchange rates.
This year they will contribute half of the globe's GDP growth, measured at market exchange rates, over three times as much as America.
For example, Guangdong's GDP (at market exchange rates) is almost as big as Indonesia's; the output of both Jiangsu and Shandong exceeds Switzerland's.
These incomes are converted not at market exchange rates, but at purchasing-power parities (PPPs), taking account of the higher cost of living in Japan.
And China's GDP (measured at market exchange rates) will push ahead of Germany's to make China the world's third-biggest economy, behind America and Japan.
These incomes are converted not at market exchange rates, but at purchasing-power parities (PPPs), which take account of the higher cost of living in Japan.
Emerging economies account for 30% of world GDP at market exchange rates (and over half using purchasing-power parity to take account of price differences).
Goldman's economists predict that if governments stick to policies that support growth, by 2040 China will be the world's biggest economy at market exchange rates.
PPP, rather than market exchange rates, is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living, since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency.
If turbulence in international financial markets could be contained soon, and its impact on the real economy limited, world output could still grow at 2.6% (GDP measured at market exchange rates).
For those emerging countries with largely market-determined currencies, such as Brazil and India, China's yuan peg has increased the burden on their economies by pushing their exchange rates higher.
The People's bank of China announces the exchange rate of Renminbi against major currencies on the basis of the prevailing exchange rates in the inter-bank foreign exchange market.
“The scramble by market participants to seize those opportunities presses prices, exchange rates, and interest rates back to market-appropriate level, ” Greenspan writes.
Following the data release, short term market interest rates shot up almost 2%, while share prices on the Shanghai stock exchange fell 3%.
Emerging-market policymakers would argue that their only concern is to prevent their exchange rates from overshooting.
Vietnam's currency is consistently falling below the official exchange rates, creating a thriving black market for gold and dollars.
Vietnam's currency is consistently falling below the official exchange rates, creating a thriving black market for gold and dollars.