But as Tuesday wore on, it decided that "market supply and demand" needed a bit of a nudge.
Prevent the major risks, measures to stabilize ferrosilicon market supply and demand respectively.
We will continue to make the RMB exchange rate more flexible in the light of the changes in market supply and demand.
Under such circumstances, the relationship between market supply and demand will continue to play a leading role.
According to the current market supply and demand point of view, Chengdu housing prices will accelerate the speed.
We will continue to make the RMB exchange rate more flexible in line with the changes in market supply and demand.
Article27the managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand is adopted for renminbi exchange rate.
The fourth part of the country, Shandong and Juye local analysis of the situation of market supply and demand of electricity.
In the future RMB should be more flexible according to the changes in market supply and demand, but it should also remain stable.
Article 8 Prices should be fixed by business operators basing on the cost of production or operation and market supply and demand.
Changes in exchange rate are a result of multiple factors, including the balance of international payment and market supply and demand.
The current exchange rate system is a managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand that has developed since 1994.
Presently, our country implements take the market supply and demand as the foundation, has the management the floating exchange rate system.
Studies abroad focus on Shadow Education from perspectives of market supply and demand, social competition, social justice and human capital.
At present the market demand of automobile insurance is very big, we should improve the level of the market supply and demand by manifold measure.
Meanwhile, labor wages will be raised and energy resources price will further reflect the relation of market supply and demand as well as environment cost.
The production capacity, effective output, product quality, properties and USES, market supply and demand of BOPP film at home and abroad were introduced.
Article 32 a unitary and well-managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand will be implemented for the exchange rates of Renminbi.
You asked the question about the exchange rate of the RMB. China now practices a regulated floating rate, which is based on changes in market supply and demand.
Meanwhile, labor wages will be adjusted upward, the prices of natural resources will further reflect the relation of market supply and demand and environment cost.
Meanwhile, the labor wages would be upward and the prices of energy and resources would further reflect the market supply and demand as well as environmental costs.
The labor wages will be adjusted upward contemporarily. The price of energy resources will further reflect the market supply and demand and also the environmental costs.
The fourth part Combine inner link of house market and run law, it is realize Wuhan city house policy and measure that market supply and demand balance guarantee at present.
On June 19, 2010, China reaffirmed to adopt manageable floating exchange rate that is based on market supply and demand, and is adjustable according to a basket of currencies.
"This means that the floating of the renminbi exchange rate will be mainly determined by market supply and demand, and the floating band will be gradually expanded, " Wen said.
"This means that the floating of the renminbi exchange rate will be mainly determined by market supply and demand, and the floating band will be gradually expanded, " Wen said.