But even if you've found your consummate Mary Poppins, I will advise you to proceed with caution.
MICHAEL BANKS, a child in the 1964 Disney musical, "Mary Poppins", is an unlikely hero for today's angry Spanish youth.
Musical comedy the Rocky Horror Showlanded the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.
Musical comedy The Rocky Horror Show landed the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.
I remember when I was a child, I had to watch hours and hours of really old movies like "Singing in the Rain", "Mary Poppins" to learn English.
Mr Darling could be straight out of Mary Poppins with his subservient business nose to the grindstone, not understanding his children too well.
Watch out Mary Poppins, the hurricane howling through the world's financial markets is starting to be felt in the rarefied world of the British nanny.
The Mary Poppins of the bonobo world turns out to be a 12-year-old male, who adores infants so much that he has become a stellar babysitter in his social set.
High Tor and Mary Poppins have never been produced at all, because the rights holders for the original works refused to grant permission for a musical to be made.
High Tor和Mary Poppins更是完全没有制作过,因为原作的版权持有者拒绝授权他们制作音乐剧版本。
Bell Labs, to quote what was said about Mary Poppins, was "practically perfect in every way," but I wanted to leave behind something more than scientific articles.
我对贝尔实验室的看法,可以引用Mary Poppins的话,“实际上十全十美”。但是,我想离开那种仅仅是科学论文的生活。
Bell Labs, to quote what was said of Mary Poppins, was "practically perfect in every way," but I wanted to leave behind something more than just scientific articles.
我对贝尔实验室的看法,就像别人形容电影Mary Poppins的话,“实际上完美无缺”。但是,我想为世界留下更多的东西,不只是科学论文。
Bell Labs, to quote what was said of Mary Poppins, was "practically perfect in every way," but I wanted to leave behind something more than just scientific articles.
我对贝尔实验室的看法,就像别人形容电影Mary Poppins的话,“实际上完美无缺”。但是,我想为世界留下更多的东西,不只是科学论文。