Television, as the most widely used mass communication medium, its audience includes not only grown-ups, but also children.
Introducing broadcasting as a medium of mass communication in the twentieth century early days lets many newspaperdom people conjecture that it would result in what kind of affection to their careers.
This paper attempts to make mobile phone as the research object to explore the medium of mass communication at this stage, and how to make the mass communication functions better.
Internet is a newly mass medium subsequent to newspaper, radio and Television which brings about an immense transformation in the field of public communication.
Thorburn, David. "Television as an Aesthetic Medium. " Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 4, No. 2 (June 1987): 161-173.
Thorburn, David. "Television as an Aesthetic Medium. " Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 4, No. 2 (June 1987): 161-173.