If the end result of this culture is mass murder then of what significance is your talent?
Mr. Rudd says that arsonists suspected of starting some of Victoria's fires are guilty of "mass murder."
The fact that someone can commit mass murder and be let out of jail, it's a black day in Israeli history.
Yet it is also wrong to flatten the singularity of the deliberate mass murder of Europe's Jews into a general warning against racism or xenophobia.
Conservatives don't want to make an issue of mass murder because then they would be confronted with the fact that the massacres are committed by people using guns.
Researchers are developing new techniques to find hidden graves. They say it would help locate the remains of a lone murder victim or the mass graves of victims of war.
Israel has been conducting mass-murder in the Gaza strip, and has been destroying civilian infrastructure consistently since 1967.
Israel has been conducting mass-murder in the Gaza strip, and has been destroying civilian infrastructure consistently since 1967.