The maximum price in Karnataka touched Rs 150 a kg.
Theres a minimum price for off-season stay and a maximum price for peak-season.
This year, Microsoft agreed to a maximum price set at 33 U. S. dollars per share.
Well, there is a minimum price for off-season stay and a maximum price for peak-season stay.
To see this in action, try creating a new listing and entering a minimum price that is higher than the maximum price.
Ceiling price: the maximum price which may be charged regardless of what price would be reached through the natural forces of supply and demand.
Choke price — the maximum price anyone would be willing to pay for a unit of the resource. At higher prices, the demand for that resource would be zero.
Thus, a monopoly chooses a quantity qm where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and charges the maximum price p(qm) the market will bear at that quantity.
这样,垄断者将选择生产当边际收益与边际成本相同时的产量qm。 然后向市场收取那个产量下市场能够承受的最大价格p(qm)。
The kiosks displayed the minimum and maximum price paid for soyabeans at 60 mandis, updated once a day, along with agricultural information and weather forecasts.
Although bearing difference in legal mode, both countries consider Minimum price Maintenance invalid and take soft attitudes toward Maximum price Maintenance and vertical price recommendation.
Analysts said that while it isn't known at what price Ambani would finally agree to dilute, he's likely to negotiate for the maximum premium.
To illustrate the process of creating a custom validator, consider that in the CreateInput form, each seller is asked to enter a minimum and maximum expected price for his or her vehicle.
Facebook suggests an advertising price, but it also lets you set a maximum budget and bid per click or impression.
The filing states a "proposed maximum aggregate offering price" of $100 million dollars, but has not yet gone into effect.
The Federal Reserve unveiled new "longer term" projections for inflation that will be consistent with its mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability.
Bulk merchandising of products to achieve maximum impact at a competitive price.
Software price Capping means agreeing to a maximum total price for the defined Software scope.
This paper studies the problem that how the productive enterprise determines its raw material economic ordering quantity and products′ sale price in order to get the maximum net profit.
The maximum amount you can lose is the call price, regardless of how much the share price has fallen.
Since the research company wanted to pursue the maximum profit, it is impossible for them to set the price of new generation aircraft at the same level as old ones.
Maximum pro-rated value of either remedy shall in no case exceed the original purchase price.
The efficiency implies that in the equilibrium price system the market mechanism can realize the maximum whole benefit of the centralized mechanism.
A discrete mathematical model of price negotiation for supplier was proposed by setting the maximum negotiation time.
I'm thinking here of policies like having Banks hold more capital when times are good or implementing maximum loan-to-value ratios to guard against housing price bubbles.
At this price, OQ is the maximum quantity that can be sold.
At this price, OQ is the maximum quantity that can be sold.