But if your baby is sleeping more or napping at weird times, maybe he or she is just growing.
The first time you get a bit of surprise, maybe concern, a dash of fear, but then you put your head back and wait for the baby to try again.
One of the African cultures that Buss studies uses the phrase, "Mama's baby, Papa's maybe.
Or maybe it's because I'm 32 and it seems every other woman I know is having a baby.
Yet you still have a full household with school-aged kids, a baby, a husband or maybe a grandmother in tow.
If I were you, I'd focus on my real friends, ignore rumors, and refuse pass along those "juicy tidbits" (about, say, baby blankets) that maybe embarrass people.
Maybe a Chiniese would design a baby with white skin or with red hair, obviously, this disobeys the traditional and unique characteristics of a Chinese throughout the long history.
One of the African cultures that Buss studies uses the phrase, "Mama's baby, Papa's maybe."
I will grow up with my sister's baby, maybe we can be the good friends.
They always call me "baby". The world is very strange to me. Everything is fresh. I like trying different things. Maybe you should protect me?
I stayed in the same position for five minutes, maybe more, Then slowly I turned round, and on the hillside about 300 metres away I saw the baby bear and his huge mother.
But the doctors made it very clear that there would be no problem with me having baby it just maybe a little more difficult and by the time I do want to have children I think things would be fine.
If your project is to breed a bunch of baby terrapins, your rewards could include things like photos of the terrapins, footprints on paper and, for higher donations, maybe even naming rights.
Maybe feathers helped them scramble up tree trunks, " Carrano says. Baby birds of primarily ground-dwelling species like turkeys use their wings in this way."
Maybe feathers helped them scramble up tree trunks, " Carrano says. Baby birds of primarily ground-dwelling species like turkeys use their wings in this way."