Lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.
If you allow the mean-spirited opinions of others to make you waver in your purpose, you incur a double shame.
But there is a fast-approaching limit to our ability to borrow, steal, and print. Acknowledging this reality is not mean-spirited or cruel.
The lesson, in a cold and mean-spirited age, is to remind us of a quiet human quality that is seldom adequately praised or celebrated: Grace.
I wasn't overly enamored with the idea of sharing it as he was grubby, even down the insides of his ears, but the repeated refusals felt mean-spirited.
"Mentioning parents can easily become mean-spirited attacks that interfere with the couple's ability to address the underlying issues, " she told HuffPost.
Some of the E-mail messages, purloined last November, were mean-spirited, others were dismissive of contrarian views, and others revealed a timid reluctance to share data.
The criticism is mean-spirited. If you use insulting or degrading language, or put down the person in any way, they will focus on that, and not on the rest of the criticism.
The party's opposition to gay marriage not only makes them look mean-spirited. It is also destroying any chance Republicans have of regaining the support of younger Americans.
The big question is what does the ruling mean for the spirited battle between Internet companies and content providers?
The big question is what does the ruling mean for the spirited battle between Internet companies and content providers?