"Leap" can also be a noun, meaning a jump, or a sudden move.
They give us purpose, meaning, a creative outlet, and they can even relieve stress.
In order to give data meaning, a complete context must be provided, not just the most immediate tag or attribute.
Scarlett, sitting on the stump, thought of those words which had made her so happy, and suddenly they took on another meaning, a hideous meaning.
Benefits spread out to three degrees of separation, meaning a better chance at happiness for not only their friends' friends, but also their friends' friends' friends.
The WHO's alert level for the virus remains at phase five of six, meaning a global outbreak is imminent.
First, as is often so in its financial markets, foreigners are largely excluded, meaning a huge source of information on the supply side is absent.
Its licence fee will be frozen next year, meaning a cut in real terms. And the BBC has said it will spend less on imported shows.
Currently the alert level stands at five out of six meaning a pandemic is imminent.
You see, the Earth's heat never stops—meaning a geothermal power plant can produce electricity as regularly as a nuclear power plant can.
The "shadow inventory" of distressed homes kept off the market by lenders remains high in many markets, meaning a flood of supply still threatens to overwhelm declining demand.
I was feeling under the weather. B: Oh, did you have that cold that everyone's had? A: I think so. Under the weather is an extremely common expression, meaning a little ill or sick.
The Blues are guaranteed a place in the last 32 of the competition, meaning a defeat in Turin would be irrelevant to their progression.
Soon, the term hacker had a new meaning — a person using computers to explore a network to which he or she didn't belong.
Even at the family level, the evidence for a "quantity-quality tradeoff" — more kids meaning a worse life for each one of them — appears weak.
即使在家庭的层面,证据,“quantity - quality权衡”——更多的孩子可能会有更糟糕的生活意义为他们各人——显得疲软。
There is no "message blocking" meaning a 10 MB message with SYNC_ACK guarantee level will not stop a 10 KB NO_ACK guarantee level.
The words ‘guru, ’ meaning a teacher, and the philosophy of dharma, loosely translated to mean ‘duty, ’ come from here.
Paddy Power first offered odds of 2-to-1 against a recall, meaning a bet on a recall would pay $2 plus the initial $1 ifsuch an event occurred.
Instead of meaning a cheap cotton fabric as it did in English, further back in history the fabric known as diaper was a shiny silk embroidered with gold.
The expression puts those patients having a predicted class of y with a confidence higher than 83 percent to the high risk patients (meaning a checkup is necessary).
该表达式将预测类别为y 且相应的置信度超过 83% 的病人定义为高风险病人(意味着需要体检)。
Observers worry that Europe will cope with the coming flood of defaults far less effectively than America, meaning a slower recovery.
As you can see, config objects may be nested, meaning a config object may contain other config objects.
But seen from the very bottom of the ladder, the sky recovers its full meaning: a priceless grace.
No matter what you do in life, you will have a huge advantage if you can read a paragraph and discern its meaning (a rarer talent than you might suppose).
If Mel did blame depression on "male menopause," meaning a low testosterone, it's possible that the 54 year old actor is feeling a drop in his hormones.
Credit quota limits - meaning a short supply of loans amid strong demand - have enabled Banks to tighten even beyond regulatory requirements.
He took a lot of photos, many of them geotagged correctly, meaning a lot of location information was stored.
Who is more responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for life?
Irony, put simply, is a gap between words and their meaning, a space across which speaker and listener exchange a knowing wink.
Irony, put simply, is a gap between words and their meaning, a space across which speaker and listener exchange a knowing wink.