He refused to accept the humiliating means test .
Company Sets machining and assembly in one, with a comprehensive means test and improve the quality of management.
On the other hand, the community method led to 60 percent fewer complaints among villagers about the results of the programs, compared to the proxy means test.
Using this spending data as a baseline for wealth, the results show that the proxy means test is the best method for estimating wealth - but only by a slim margin.
Any all means, if you are scheduled to attend class at 11:00, please take the test at 11:00.
Automated test execution means arranging for the correct system's initial conditions, then invoking the script playback tool.
This means you focus on test results and demonstrate working code to various stakeholders to assess how well you are doing.
This means that you will pass the test only if that particular type of exception is raised in the designated line.
If you run that means you didn't pass the test!
Writing a test before the code means you don't get to do the fun part of the job until the test runs and fails.
The use of an access database to store test execution information means there's no unit-level change control over individual test cases or test plans.
June means one more big test for many students finishing college — a test of the job market.
A single failing test that you can't fix means you should not integrate.
Manual test execution means methodically obeying the test implementation prompts and observing and noting results appropriately.
Isolating the GUI from the database and vise versa means you can test the GUI without concern for specific data.
DOUG SZAJDA: "It was less a worldwide test than a means of generating some incentive for vendors to realize we can't drag our feet anymore."
Serious testing of SOA applications means building many test cases over time and dividing them into sets of logically-related test suites that are run continuously.
The lack of a quick test therefore means that precious antimalarial drugs are wasted and other illnesses may go untreated.
This routine provides your test programs with the means to access the database, but it also shields the test programmers from having to deal with the exact semantics of the login procedure.
"That means we will not only indirectly test general relativity, but also directly measure the predicted gravitational waves, which has never been done before," he said.
High skills availability: Using common test automation components and standard products means an increased availability of skilled test automation developers.
With DbUnit, you can load a known set of data into a database before a test, which means you can rely on that data being present during testing.
We needed a means to test some command line tools and had settled on writing test scripts in Expect.
Your EAR file is now deployed to the Monitor test Environment, which means you can begin your unit test.
Kylix 3 includes its own means to allow you to test and debug your Web applications (without Apache).
Producing an evolutionary prototype means that you design, implement, and test a skeleton structure, or architecture, of the system.
This means that you can actually start test-driving real data and real systems for your pilot projects.
This means that all pregnant women receive an HIV test, unless they specifically state that they do not want one.
This means that all pregnant women receive an HIV test, unless they specifically state that they do not want one.