Conclusion: it is simple, effective, less painful and easy to popularize to cure epistaxis by obturating nasal cavity with PVF medical sponge and Vaseline gauze piece.
Method : After examing and treating with the patient preliminary, obturate the middle and rear part of nasal cavity first with PVF medical sponge, then Vaseline gauze piece tightly.
方法: 对鼻腔出血患者先行鼻腔检查和简单处理后,用PVF医用海绵行中后段鼻腔填塞,再用凡士林纱条加压填塞、固定。
Method : After examing and treating with the patient preliminary, obturate the middle and rear part of nasal cavity first with PVF medical sponge, then Vaseline gauze piece tightly.
方法: 对鼻腔出血患者先行鼻腔检查和简单处理后,用PVF医用海绵行中后段鼻腔填塞,再用凡士林纱条加压填塞、固定。