Foreign media generally take H-6K as a medium-range and long-range strategic bomber, which they believe can reach the flying range of 8,000-9,000km when equipped with new engine and avionics system.
而外媒一般将轰-6 K评述为中远程战略轰炸机,认为它经过换装新发动机以及航电等系统,航程可达8000 - 9000公里。
Foreign media generally take H-6K as a medium-range and long-range strategic bomber, which they believe can reach the flying range of 8,000-9,000km when equipped with new engine and avionics system.
而外媒一般将轰-6 K评述为中远程战略轰炸机,认为它经过换装新发动机以及航电等系统,航程可达8000 - 9000公里。