All everythings is all a death that in a flash meet by chance, who can't succeed in escaping to die.
Unless yesterday again meet by chance beauty, the present life love fate perhaps will pass away with the breeze.
Perhaps this is the God early destined to our meet by chance, and also destined to we guard mutually in a hurry.
Finally get good thing, not lucky, sometimes, there must be in front of the painstaking management, just have the behind of the meet by chance.
That boy has already become an old man of crack-up, but when that girl in that year meet by chance in him, he be cringe to begin to spark an inferior cigarette.
The morning and night gets along with, face every day, but difficult talk a feeling word. 1 turn round, meet by chance at a time, but can concern about whole life.
They climb for a long time suddenly felt regret, in this vast space-time, the same kind of the form thus small meet by chance, " But actually we haven't embrace each others."
The fate of the arrangements for us to meet by chance, met, we met the most beautiful, then my life, a blank page, the human fate, the curtain opened, but also on the line, not understand the end.
If you haven't had a chance to meet Greg, please make it a point to stop by and introduce yourself during one of the breaks today.
By the law of chance, the more people you meet the higher chance you have to dig your soul mates out.
She did not meet Mr A by chance and does not work for a design company, as he thinks.
English is now used by nearly a quarter of the world's population, and anywhere you go in the world, there is a good chance that you will meet someone who speaks English.
英语现在被将近四分之一的世界人口使用,无论你去世界的哪个地方,都极有可能会遇到说英语的人。 。
If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where it's left off and are delighted.
Dear Rain: I love you at the first sight, just as reasonable as Phelps won the gold MEDALS. Thank the god so much for giving me the chance to meet you, and allowing me to stay by your side.
I am grateful for the chance to meet with you and your parting, complete with a poem created by God! Untold sorrow to our lives, we will never have to answer.
This increased the chance for the dog or cat to be hit by a car, ingest poison, or meet some other accident.
If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where it left off and are delighted.
If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where it left off and are delighted.