In order to meet the deadline, he works on the programs 12 hours a day.
I think we will miss the launch date, but he thinks we will meet the deadline.
If you hope to keep your job, you'd better get on the ball and meet the deadline.
If you hope to keep your job, you'd better get on the ball and meet the deadline.
What we have agreed upon is that we will pay apenalty if we do not meet the deadline.
我们所商定的是,如果我们没有如期完工,我们将支付罚款。 %。
The cement arrived late but don't worry, I'm confident we can still meet the deadline.
B: the cement arrived late but don't worry, I'm confident we can still meet the deadline.
In this way the company might meet the deadline, preserve quality, and keep employee morale high.
Failing to meet the deadline can cause your order to be cancelled or cause your reputation to drop.
They can even do aerobics or take showers to refresh themselves provided they can meet the deadline set by their bosses.
As he hems and haws, there is no possible explanation he can give you that will be acceptable - he failed to meet the deadline.
For instance, although Wen receives animation design projects twice-monthly, she often goes three days without sleep to meet the deadline.
If you don't have a detail list of what things you are planning to do, then it's difficult to intelligently remove activities to meet the deadline.
Couldn't you make it eight weeks instead of ten? That would give us enough time to assemble the machine and meet the deadline set by our customer.
If we found that a team or team member was unable to meet the deadline with a suitable product, it sometimes meant there was a problem that required assistance.
If the situation involved pressure due to a lack of time, then the only difference in my work would be the extra time I would need to put in to meet the deadline on time.
Barring an evil miracle - I'll explain the evil part later - the committee will fail to meet that deadline.
With the deadline to finish the joint definition phase early next year, the programme's suppliers are pulling out all the stops to meet the date.
That's why Obama can meet the troop drawdown deadline.
You always have the potential for needing to back out work to meet a deadline, but this strategy seems to provide the best environment to meet the goals of regular releases.
As soon as the boss tells you to do it and you passively accept the ridiculous deadline, you make it your responsibility to meet it.
He suggested the parliament might not meet a deadline to approve the measures by the end of the month.
Sharif says the two parties could not meet an earlier deadline set for the judges' return, because of differences on how to do it.
With time fast running out, Congress may have left it too late to meet the Tuesday deadline set by the Treasury for raising the debt ceiling above its current $14.3tn limit.
You gave me a good-bye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and politely refused to take my collar and leash with you. You had a deadline to meet and now I have one, too.
The Project Model Manager may need time to meet a goal or deadline and may be unable to handle propagation in the current development cycle.a.
The Project Model Manager may need time to meet a goal or deadline and may be unable to handle propagation in the current development cycle.a.