You always have the potential for needing to back out work to meet a deadline, but this strategy seems to provide the best environment to meet the goals of regular releases.
Sharif says the two parties could not meet an earlier deadline set for the judges' return, because of differences on how to do it.
With time fast running out, Congress may have left it too late to meet the Tuesday deadline set by the Treasury for raising the debt ceiling above its current $14.3tn limit.
Jim: we can meet your deadline even after waiting for you to inspect the samples.
Today was the deadline for embattling veteran cyclist Lance Armstrong to decide whether he would meet with US's anti-doping agency officials.
For instance, although Wen receives animation design projects twice-monthly, she often goes three days without sleep to meet the deadline.
Now it is Mr. Silver's turn. He needs to schedule congestion pricing for a floor vote this week while there is still time to meet the federal deadline.
Now it is Mr. Silver's turn. He needs to schedule congestion pricing for a floor vote this week while there is still time to meet the federal deadline.