I feel I am competent to meet the requirements of the volunteer work, so please give me an opportunity.
Which packages are needed to meet the requirements?
User stories represent the work the team must accomplish to meet the requirements of the product.
A commercial advertisement is deemed an offer if its contents meet the requirements of an offer.
Make sure the fonts, alignment and the size of the type meet the requirements of writing standards.
The version of the installed filesets will meet the requirements of the endpoint's AIX technology level.
Auditable management of content is required to meet the requirements of increasing regulated environments.
It's very hard to start an insurance company because you've got to meet the requirements of all fifty regulators.
By analyzing these questions, we define the dimensions and measures needed to meet the requirements (see Table 1).
He then USES Rational Asset Manager to search for any existing services that can be reused to meet the requirements.
When downstream propagation does not meet the requirements; for example, when horizontal propagation is required.
Then we will add one operation corresponding to the jamon setup command to do the actual work to meet the requirements.
Some states feel that the facilities available with them are adequate to meet the requirements of compulsory sterilisation.
You will choose some courses, and then discuss with the adviser whether your choice can meet the requirements for graduation.
We designed CloudLand, a process-centric PaaS framework, to meet the requirements of an enterprise industry solution. Features include.
These candidate services represent IT capabilities which, when implemented, will meet the requirements and support the business process.
where a commodity produced or sold fails to meet the requirements for the protection and safety of person and property of the consumer;
Although simpler, the synchronous method does not provide the robustness or meet the requirements for an application in the TSP network.
As with content negotiation, the link element has gone through some evolutionary stages in order to meet the requirements for a parallel Web.
But these tree structures lack any kind of event handling model and therefore can't meet the requirements of a highly interactive tree widget.
Then Google needs to set up a carrier/handset certification program to guarantee that phones in this program meet the requirements it specifies.
Next, this article lists the different test automation functions, and the IBM products that are used to meet the requirements of those functions.
These components provide new functions required to implement fully modern business processes that meet the requirements of today's business environment.
Before publication, every review should be validated to make sure all sections have been completed and meet the requirements of the Cochrane Collaboration.
Companies must now be able to demonstrate that their computer systems meet the requirements of regulatory bodies and the compliance demands of auditors.
This article, the second in the series, focuses on selecting a correct deployment pattern to meet the requirements of a given customer application or project.
While continuing to meet the requirements of the aforementioned stakeholders, take another look at how you segment and if it makes sense for your hotel, in your market.
The framework also exposes a powerful user authentication and access control subsystem that you can customize it to meet the requirements of almost any Web application.
The framework also exposes a powerful user authentication and access control subsystem that you can customize it to meet the requirements of almost any Web application.