McDougall Lecture and new FAO Member country.
So the Organization is loath to criticize a member country, but instead works behind the scenes.
A member country of the Interpol has once requested the Interpol to issue a warrant for His arrest.
Whose series of products accords with strict environmental protection of European Union member country standard.
Furthermore, registration in another member country of the Paris Convention within certain time limits may also gain priority in China.
As a member country of the WTO, the principle of transparency will take profound effect on the administrative openness system of China.
The vision of economic corridor on the transportation routes linking Nanning and Singapore is not enough to bring every member country in the rim.
The treaty is strongly supported by every member country, in part because it is seen as a prelude to negotiations with Russia over cutting tactical nuclear weapons in Europe.
In addition, country Assistance Strategies, Project Appraisal Documents, and Program Documents will be disclosed simultaneous to their distribution to the Board if the member country consents.
Since China had become a member country of WTO, in the protection of intellectual property, China has to follow the requirements of the TRIPS and conduct according to the international regulations.
As a member of the "global village", no country can stand immune or deal with the challenges alone.
The country focus policy gears WHO's operations to the needs of Member States at country level.
Ensuring that the capacities of WHO country teams are sufficiently strong to carry out the core functions of the Organization at country level, as agreed with the Member State.
Armenia is the only country bordering Turkey, a NATO member, in which the Russians have troops and a base.
"There was not a single member of Congress, or anyone in that room, that did not agree that we have an economic problem in the country, lots of economic difficulties," he said.
The country was to be called the Dominion of Canada, but would still remain loyal to Britain as a member of the British Empire.
Also, you may wish to consult the web site of the WHO Regional Office where your country is a Member State.
America's structural budget deficit will soon be bigger than that of any other OECD member, and the country badly needs a plan to deal with it.
The aim of the country-of-origin rule is to ensure that access to the common information society market is equal in all Member States.
"The West does not understand how a country which aspires to be a member of international clubs such as the G8 can act against the other members of these clubs," says Ms Shevtsova.
“西方世界不理解为什么一个竭力想融入国际俱乐部—比如G 8—的国家会和其他成员对着干,”谢夫索娃说。
Every member in the Party and country must enhance the sense of hardships and the sense of risks, and firmly grasp and utilize the key opportunities of strategic importance.
Every member in the Party and country must enhance the sense of hardships and the sense of risks, and firmly grasp and utilize the key opportunities of strategic importance.