Consumers, in the U.S. at least, are acting cautiously with the savings they're getting at the gas pump, as the memory of the recent great recession is still fresh in their mind.
At its simplest, it is an abstraction of the server's physical resources (CPU, memory, storage) from the logical resources presented to consumers.
To reduce memory usage, start by identifying the largest consumers of memory.
Some of the computer programs at the center are the same ones sold to consumers trying to sharpen their memory or thinking.
All registered "consumers" of memory within the DB2 server are listed with the amount of the total memory they are consuming.
列出了DB 2服务器中所有注册的内存“消耗者”,以及它们消耗的总内存量。
When your displays, chips and memory are found in the flagship devices of OEMs around the world, you have to expect consumers will demand more from the hardware that bears your brand.
When your displays, chips and memory are found in the flagship devices of OEMs around the world, you have to expect consumers will demand more from the hardware that bears your brand.