For many people in the media business, that's still their mental model of the web.
The first reason is that developers often have a flawed mental model of their own software.
Without ever considering it, I had been harboring a mistaken mental model of a rattlesnake.
How they use the software is strongly conditioned on their mental model of how other users use it.
In particular, you'll discover some of the details of the mental model the user has of the task.
People's expectations about a product and the way it works are highly informed by their mental model.
The lifeblood of a firm is closely related to mental model and competence structure of entrepreneurs.
If they lack confidence in that mental model, they have less incentive to use the software themselves, [...].
Finally the team mental model as a strategy for constructing a learning organization was also discussed.
Michael Nielsen emphasizes that simple mental model does not necessarily mean technically simplistic software.
The following is a different approach to document management that better supports most users' mental model.
We can still offer users all the advantages of that extra copy on disk without exploding their mental model.
Deleting from the lower right to the upper left maps to a strong, intrinsic mental model, so it seems natural.
A user's mental model doesn't necessarily have to be true or accurate, but it should enable him to work effectively.
One of the purposes of this sort of debugging is to find out where your mental model of the code diverges from reality.
The mental model that people have about a particular task may make it easy or hard to use an interface that you have designed.
People always have a mental model in place about a certain object or task (paying my bills, reading a book, using a remote control).
To conform to the user's mental model, it should then erase the original even though that contradicts the implementation model.
Figure 17-4: the revised file menu now better reflects the user's mental model, rather than the programmer's implementation model.
图17 - 4这个改善了的新式文件菜单更好地反映了用户的心理模型,而不是程序员的实现模型。
Shirky's Law states that the social software most likely to succeed has "a brutally simple mental model... that's Shared by all users".
Shirky定律是说,最有可能成功的社交软件都有一个被所有用户都认同的,极其简单的心理模型(mental model)。
In the digital world, however, the differences between a user's mental model and the implementation model are often quite distinct.
Image 14: the usability practitioner ensures that the form's structure accommodates the user's mental model, experience, and expectations.
He states that in a well orchestrated UI design, the UI becomes almost transparent to the user since it naturally follows their mental model.
There's an implicit mental model being used to make decisions here. It's a mental model of a system with two parts - the software and the user.
Small, but crucial details of an actual event are likely to be forgotten because they are overwhelmed by the strength of the mental model.
Ultimately, we believe that properly conducted open-ended interviews are quite capable of exploring these aspects of the user's mental model.
OBJECTIVE: To introduce the mental model theory and probabilistic theory with their disputation and tradeoff in conditional inference domain.
You will call up a mental model of a shoe, and your brain will automatically screen out everything you see until your eye alights on the shoe.
Cooper is an advocate for following the user's mental model when designing the product and optimizing for the mainline flow through the application.
"Technology is easy to develop," he says. "Developing a new attitude, moving the culture from one mental model to another, that's the difficult part."