Over time, you can get to know them and they'll become comfortable with you from the mere-exposure effect.
The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them.
The mere exposure to luxury goods can have a corrosive effect on decision-making that pushes individuals to put their interests over those of others, a Harvard Business School study has found.
The more you see something the more you like it and this is sometimes known as "the mere exposure effect."
First, it's a lesson in the power of raw repetition - the "mere exposure effect" identified by psychology studies that suggests we like things more simply by seeing them more often.
The mere exposure effect is simply seeing something makes it likable perhaps because it becomes comfortable and safe.
The "mere exposure effect" means that repeated exposure makes people like music, faces — even nonsense syllables — better.
The "mere exposure effect" means that repeated exposure makes people like music, faces — even nonsense syllables — better.