Every morning Tim often sees some groups of middle-aged women dance in the square.
Middle-aged women are predispositional to localized abacterial pustulosis.
Some middle-aged women were even less understanding, saying "legalize it?"
Middle-aged women must keep a clear head instead of doing things out of willfulness.
Yet without white, middle-aged women, few British or American shopping centres could survive.
Most of the nursing workers are married middle-aged women who have migrated from rural areas.
Syringoma, a benign adnexal tumor, mainly occurs on the periorbital area of middle-aged women.
A crew of middle-aged women in sweats and sneakers are running through their Mongolian dance moves.
Water Aerobics note that the practice of obese middle-aged women in good body composition changes. 2.
A 15-year study found that middle-aged women who walked for at least an hour a day maintained their weight over the decades.
At this time, a middle-aged man came to the middle-aged women, the elevator is a dangerous job, don't let the child to operation.
One cosmetics firm pitches its wrinkle-removal cream to middle-aged women, in the hope that they will recommend it to their mothers.
The topic is a study in health education and health promotion areas, researching for the Taiyuan City 45 ~ 59-years old middle-aged women.
本课题属健康教育与健康促进研究范畴,研究对象为太原市城区45 -59岁中年妇女。
A study involving middle-aged women showed that taking ginger had a direct effect on the brain and improved their reaction time and memory.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic, progressive cholestatic liver disease of unknown cause that usually affects middle-aged women.
Dama referred to middle-aged women. Instead, it particularly means Chinese women who purchased bulk gold shortly before the gold price decreased.
Water Aerobics note that the practice of obese middle-aged women lipid levels to reduce the health hazards of factors, it can play a preventive role.
Her uncle, Lingaraj Majhi, says 12 people have died from TB in the village in the last year, including a nine-year-old girl and two middle-aged women.
Those saddled with the heaviest burdens — especially middle-aged women with children — move slowly off the list, while the young and the elderly tend to have more luck.
The researchers studied almost 1.3 million middle-aged women who attended breast cancer screening clinics in Britain and were tracked for an average of seven years.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an unknown etiology autoimmune diseases, multiple middle-aged women, the cause of the disease complicated machine, no cure for the problems.
When I cal- led for the first time at a house in Leinster Road sev- eral middle-aged women were playing cards and suggested my taking a hand and gave me a glass of sherry.
Yongchuan, according to the district court, the district laid-off middle-aged women Lee, a drug used to be women, drug abuse was a result of re-education through labor.
The study on Changchun city's middle-aged women of physical exercise can play a leading role in promoting and guiding the whole group of elderly women in Jilin Province.
The middle-aged women, with the exception of those who work at special posts, needn't fight too hard. Instead, they should encourage men to temper themselves in this world.
Chongqing area Yongchuan a middle-aged women laid-off Lee, as a result of drug abuse have been re-education, as a result of HIV was found and released for medical treatment.
According to the recent studies carried out by Harvard researchers, middle-aged women who drink beer in moderation were much less prone to development of high blood pressure.
According gto the recent studies carried out by Harvard researchers, middle-aged women who drink beer in moderation were much less prone to development of high blood pressure.
Because it drew a little girl's innocent gesture of self-confidence and vitality of young girls face, middle-aged women mature attitude attractive, older women moderate posture.
Because it drew a little girl's innocent gesture of self-confidence and vitality of young girls face, middle-aged women mature attitude attractive, older women moderate posture.