The mise-en-scène chosen by the leaders of ETA, the armed Basque separatist group, for their video declaration yesterday was very familiar.
In the Mise, Louis sided entirely with Henry.
In March, 2009, I finished MISE Module 2 training in Karlslunde, Denmark.
Sometimes I don't think I can carry on, with my MISE study, with my work here.
Ensure that all kitchen mise-en-place is prepared according to production plan.
Louis' judgment was issued at Amiens in January 1264, and was known as the Mise of Amiens.
Predictably, de Montfort repudiated the Mise of Amiens immediately, and armed conflict broke out.
To ensure that all restaurant mise en place is correctly prepared and ready for each service period.
The large power mise-à-la-masse method is an effective technique in exploring hidden sulfide deposits.
Prepares mise en place and food preparation and assists with food presentation as part of the kitchen brigade.
Prepares mise en place and food preparation and assists with food presentation as part of the staff kitchen brigade.
While employment is still for life for Toyota's full-ti me workers, so me complain that the company is now mise rly with wage increases.
The FEA results show that initial crack comes into being as the maximal Von-Mise stress exceeds the compressive strength limit of rubber.
In Western art history, mise en abyme is a formal technique in which an image contains a smaller copy of itself, in a sequence appearing to recur infinitely.
The article “Nombre d’or, suite de Fibonacci et autres grilles de mise en page pour le design web” (in French) explains in more depth the application of Fibonacci numbers to Web design.
文章《Nombred’orsuitedeFibonaccietautres grilles demiseenpagepourledesignweb》(法语)更深入的探讨了斐波那契序列数字在网页设计中的应用。
Coordinate, organize and participate in all production pertaining to the kitchen. Checks and follow-up on the mise-en-place of the ala carte menu and daily menus, seasonal specials.
In mathematics a logical statement that involves three propositions: the major premise minor pre-mise and conclusion. the conclusion is necessarily being true if the premises are true.
On the pre- mise of analysis of element quantities, quality and distribution, the whole car body is meshed by using shell element in order to establish the detailed model for FEM analysis.
On the pre- mise of analysis of element quantities, quality and distribution, the whole car body is meshed by using shell element in order to establish the detailed model for FEM analysis.