In a misguided attempt to be funny, he manages only offensiveness.
It's not a public safety issue or even a misguided attempt to liberate oppressed women.
She is not an accountant, nor is she required to be something as ridiculous and misguided as a moral compass.
"It measures inequality," Mr Rector insists, adding that it will help advance a misguided anti-poverty agenda.
The sad outcome seems to have been that she was often hurled into the waves as some sort of sacrifice to Neptune in a misguided attempt to avert stormy weather.
This innocuous, petite speckled migrant came to the U.S. in the late1800s as part of a misguided attempt to introduce the animals mentionedin Shakespeare's works to America.
In some ways, this could be a good thing, because some Western meddling was misguided and harmful and it would be better if other countries started taking more responsibility for their own affairs.
Self-imposed sleeplessness has "become a bit of a status symbol", says Taylor, a misguided measure to prove how powerful and productive you are.
泰勒说,自我强加的失眠“在某种程度上已经成为一种地位的象征”, 用这种方法来证明自己有多么强大和高效是具有误导性的。
All that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.
A worrisome tradition persists in blaming poverty on the poor for allegedly misguided spending choices.
Indeed, there's a growing body of evidence suggesting that many of our attitudes about health and weight are misguided.
A similarly persistent but misguided idea is the blood-type diet approach.
Kenneth Geers of NATO’s cyberwar centre in Estonia says the hacking boom makes it easier for cyber-spies to pass off their work as the handiwork of a misguided rebellious teenager.
So we have to be careful about mythologizing the 1990s and drawing misguided policy lessons; yes, it was a boom, and it was better than we think, but let’s keep that boom in perspective.
To those misguided people I would say: Try drinking tea without sugar for, say, a fortnight and it is very unlikely that you will ever want to ruin your tea by sweetening it again.
The profession may have been a backhanded apology for a story that many think skewered his father’s misguided sense of authority, but it could just as easily be applied to A Moveable Feast.
This is misguided. Remember that central bank independence is an instrumental goal—it is a means towards an end, not a goal in itself.
Perhaps it would not be altogether kind to leave these misguided but no doubt well-intentioned ladies and gentlemen without a word of appreciation from their own point of view.
There was also excellent news for women shackled to a life of constant dieting by the misguided notion that men prefer women with a model-like physique.
That's because there's a misguided belief that the cholesterol in eggs (found in the yolk) raises the cholesterol levels in your body and puts your ticker at risk.
Unfortunately, the reader is left with the misguided idea that inflation is a bit like tuberculosis: a terrible scourge in our parents' era but one that has little impact on our own.
The second, also at the heart of Lord Black's appeal (which the Court agreed to hear in May), is that his conviction rested on a misguided interpretation of the legal concept of "honest services".
They would place a limit on immigration from outside the European Union, a misguided idea that Mr Cameron has at least taken care to justify in terms of demographic change rather than race.
It raises a question: was the path that Mr Koizumi chose to get Japan out of the economic swamp misguided, at least in part?
It raises a question: was the path that Mr Koizumi chose to get Japan out of the economic swamp misguided, at least in part?