This gene comes in two varieties, one of which has a part missing and therefore does not work properly.
Checking his work against other ancient and modern primates, Suwa rebuilt a virtual skull and made a mirror image of part of the face to create its missing left side (brown section).
Experimental result demonstrates its 90% of successful localization rate and the feasible processing speed, it may be work even in a facial part missing occasion.
实验表明,本方法有近90 %的检测成功率,速度较快,对部分遮挡的人脸定位也适用。
Experimental result demonstrates its 90% of successful localization rate and the feasible processing speed, it may be work even in a facial part missing occasion.
实验表明,本方法有近90 %的检测成功率,速度较快,对部分遮挡的人脸定位也适用。