I'm not going to sit around and take the blame for a mistake he made.
Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake—a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other humans.
Wasn't your decision to trade off programmer efficiency, security, and software reliability for run time performance a fundamental mistake?
Gazda also believes that it's been a mistake to dismiss the Roman copies as copies for copy's sake and not to consider the Roman function and meaning of the statues.
Reverse spelling (crumb for crum, a word in which b has no justification) is also a trivial mistake.
反向拼写(crum 拼成 crumb,b在这里没有理由存在)也是微不足道的错误。
In effect a railroad could never be held responsible for injury to one employee caused by the mistake of another.
For a wise man, a mistake is a lesson.
This is a mistake if you want a schema validator to do the validation for you, and I'll show you why.
I think if made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes, so for me, it's my father, he did not everything right with me, okay, I made a mistake.
Even good speakers make the mistake of building a strong case for their viewpoint without discussing (or understanding) the topic from the opposite point of view.
This is a mistake because, for better or worse, your business process should be distinct from your competitors'.
The easiest mistake for a beginning racer to make is to respond to the exuberance of the race and head out too fast.
It is a mistake for Congress to instruct regulatory agencies on the details of how to regulate.
It would be a mistake for companies to blindly jump into the social media whirlwind without first defining clear goals.
He believes it's a mistake for employers to become too heavy handed about personal Internet use.
I actually consider it a mistake for JBoss to have integrated their AOP framework into the application server because it effectively locks their users into their framework.
Luca Virgilio, who runs the hotel Metropole in Monaco, says it would be a mistake for him to compromise on quality; clients visit the hotel precisely because it is luxurious.
But this all doesn't mean that you should forge ahead with disregard for the consequences of a mistake.
You might even try keeping a mistake genius journal. Not a place for you to berate yourself for how many mistakes you make, but a place for you to actively learn from what has happened.
It was a mistake for us to include code in our software that collected payload data, but we believe we did nothing illegal.
It would be a mistake, some generals say, for commanders to believe the convenient fiction of their success and assume they have nothing to learn.
Realizing he had made a big mistake by staying, he headed to a near by barn for shelter.
I don't blame Nolan for making the mistake, as it's a common error.
Pachauri has refused to apologise for the claim, though the IPCC has issued a statement expressing regret for the mistake.
Given the likely and devastating chaos, it would be a mistake for a country to choose to leave.
He also gave me terrible eyesight. If I mistake you for a bedpost, please don't take it personally.
A common mistake for new connector developers is to focus on mapping repository items to II ce API concepts in the most technologically precise way, forcing an unnatural mapping onto the repository.
A common mistake for new connector developers is to focus on mapping repository items to II ce API concepts in the most technologically precise way, forcing an unnatural mapping onto the repository.