He made a big mistake for he hadn't grasped the realities of situation.
He said it would be a huge mistake for countries to allow the Doha round to die.
It is a mistake for Congress to instruct regulatory agencies on the details of how to regulate.
He believes it's a mistake for employers to become too heavy handed about personal Internet use.
Given the likely and devastating chaos, it would be a mistake for a country to choose to leave.
A common mistake for most Hibernate developers is to create a new index whenever they need a new WHERE clause.
Once again, though, while this approach seems convenient, it is also a long-term mistake for the same reason.
Once again, though, while this technique seems convenient, it is also a long-term mistake for the same reason.
The easiest mistake for a beginning racer to make is to respond to the exuberance of the race and head out too fast.
It can be a huge mistake for a woman to marry a "mama's boy" who is still "tied to his mother's apron strings."
It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber.
It would be a mistake for companies to blindly jump into the social media whirlwind without first defining clear goals.
In addition, it is a mistake for Popper to take Tarski's truth theory as the basis of his concept of verisimilitude.
It was a mistake for us to include code in our software that collected payload data, but we believe we did nothing illegal.
We started the game with real intensity but made a mistake for their first goal and paid for it. We have to defend better.
For joining them, I'd like to contribute my own might-be-mistake for your criticism, which is just the purpose for such a meeting.
"The number-one mistake for people just getting started is pricing [incorrectly]," says William T. Lasley, a guide for arts and crafts business for About.com.
Basic physical principles and recent scientific research suggest that what readers might mistake for fantasies and exaggeration could be rooted in reality.
I actually consider it a mistake for JBoss to have integrated their AOP framework into the application server because it effectively locks their users into their framework.
Luca Virgilio, who runs the hotel Metropole in Monaco, says it would be a mistake for him to compromise on quality; clients visit the hotel precisely because it is luxurious.
On the surface, it had been easy to mistake for tenderness, but the more I thought about it the more there seemed to be something condescending in it, even meant to humiliate.
My dear friend, if you are in terrible condition—missing a train or making a mistake for example, don't fell frustrated and depressed, avoid saying "if only", remember "next time".
My dear friend, if you are in terrible condition—missing a train or making a mistake for example, don't fell frustrated and depressed, avoid saying "if only", remember "next time".