After Terminator 2, however, Arnie suffered a mid-career identity crisis and got mixed up in comedy.
They cut up the bananas put the eggs and sugar in the flour, poured the milk in and mixed them all up.
Needless to say, I felt very embarrassed in assuming he had his dates mixed up.
Mobile image recognition will pop up in mixed marketing campaigns.
Brendan knew from the site that Tom dated other guys in a normal, romantic way; that he never mixed that up with dates like Brendan. He kept reminding himself of this.
There are six grains in this storehouse and they are all mixed up.
How you eat this versatile food is up to you - cooked and mixed in salads or casseroles, roasted for snacks, or in tofu, tempeh or soy milk.
But not as mixed up as another student in my economics class who came there direct from a physics laboratory.
When you started to make me fall in love with that boy, you mixed up my life.
I just wrapped up speaking at a European CIO conference in Athens, Greece, and felt mixed emotions after Fielding questions from the audience.
One day, to spice things up, Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms.
But it's all mixed up together in a homogeneous, macroscopic fashion.
How you eat this versatile food is up to you - cooked and mixed in salads or casseroles, roasted for snacks, or in tofu, or soy milk.
During the whole period of my stay in England I was mixed up in a farcical comedy which I had to play out from start to finish.
Del Neri has mixed it up in recent games and this is normal. It also depends on the various players.
Details, for example, from my several days' ride through the Montana Hi-Line, the plains near the Canadian border, are hazy, the towns I stopped in mixed up in my head.
Whether on the rocks, straight up or mixed in with your favorite cocktail, vodka has a reputation for being the life of the party.
In those heady years Britons mixed ideas from Europe and America and came up with their own distinctive product.
I roughed up the egg yolk and cream and mixed in some of the hot sauce before putting the lot back into the pan.
For two years up to 2004, I taught in mixed comprehensives, and since then I have worked as a supply teacher in London.
He was funny, miserable, horrible, kind, mean, generous, every character trait mixed up in one person". But, she clarifies
Apple acknowledges the Outlook problems, which show up only in a mixed environment of Macs and Windows PCs, and pledges they will be fixed by the fall.
in the smash-up, the debris flies in every direction…giving us a bewildering, mixed up picture that looks a lot like stagflation.
Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
If the police think I was mixed up in the train robbery, they are barking up the wrong tree.
We were mixed up in our directions.
We were mixed up in our directions.