They have already created a mobile library.
A lady working at the mobile library said, "The interest is growing. Each day we have guests coming here to borrow books or have a quiet time to read."
Of those who agreed to take part, 59% were regular mobile-phone users as defined Science Photo Library by the study's protocol.
Mobile music streaming Store your music library in your personal cloud and stream to your mobile phone.
Google Chrome USES a library called Skia, which is also the graphics engine behind Google's Android mobile OS.
I'm personally not very happy with WebKit choosing SQLite and not all the mobile devices support it so we wrote a library called Lawnchair to hide the storage internals.
Since the firm USES the same operating system across all of its mobile devices, most of the existing library of hundreds of thousands of apps developed for the iPhone were available for the iPad, too.
Most respondents were also far more interested in getting alerts by text message than being able to use library resources over the mobile web.
The mobile library services have been reorganised - in other words, they visit fewer places.
The mobile library services have been reorganized - in other words, they visit fewer places.
Besides being used for transportation, camels are also used as a Mobile Library in Kenya, because they can go where vehicles cannot go.
This paper probes into the information service of wireless mobile digital library and some problems needing attention.
The external factors of the library implementing mobile reading service provide a mature opportunity, and internal factors provide the implementation basis.
The progress of mobile communication technology and its wide use make the young library users no more limited to gain the cable online reference.
"Oh, of course, " said Ron, clapping a hand to his forehead. "I forgot we'll be hunting down Voldemort in a mobile library. "
As a media form of compensatory, mobile library overcomes many of the shortage of traditional media, has caused the changes of information dissemination, information behavior and media form.
I don't like some people in library. mobile phone not to change to vibrational mode, speak loudly, librarian drop books on the ground heavily.
With the arrival of wireless mobile Internet era basing on 3g network, mobile phone library will became an important way to obtain information.
The mobile library services have been reorganized -in other words, they visit fewer places.
Adopt the solution of mobile library, only to spend the acquisition of initial construction equipment and installing and debugging costs of software, and subsequently a small amount of service fees.
Please be quiet in the Library. Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be on silent mode when in the reading rooms.
This paper deals with the importance of auto mobile library in China on basis of analyzing its current situation of culture and education.
This paper expounds the feasibility and concrete solving scheme for constructing the wireless mobile E-library for phone-reading based on the transitional library and current E-library of university.
The application of 3G in library will bring new forms and contents for the mobile information service. Through analysis of the existing for…
While mobile computing technology is developing rapidly, more and more users would like to access digital library systems through wireless mobile mode.
While mobile computing technology is developing rapidly, more and more users would like to access digital library systems through wireless mobile mode.