Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.
It represented upward social and financial mobility.
The value of a college degree is diminishing, and our upward mobility is declining.
San Jose also performs poorly on some of the measures correlated with good mobility.
The mobility of pastoralist societies reflects their dependence on animal-based foods.
A social mobility charity said buggy manufacturers should look closely at the findings.
Increased inequality and decreasing mobility pose a fundamental threat to the American Dream.
As far as social mobility is concerned, San Jose beat many other progressive cities in America.
They also do not have access to quality health care or other prerequisites for upward social mobility.
They also do not have access to quality health care, or other prerequisites for upward social mobility.
We did not base our system on property but opportunity—which meant we based it not on stability but on mobility.
That is a college degree, which can be a transformative tool in our society when you talk about upward mobility.
That such mobility has become more difficult in San Jose raises questions about the endurance of that foundational belief.
In the public sector, researchers have found either no sex differences in mobility or a larger female disadvantage in lower grades.
Some San Jose residents say that as inequality has grown in recent years, upward mobility has become much more difficult to achieve.
Set against the compulsory mobility and clogged roads of "the great car economy", the Allegro age now has a certain perverse appeal.
With today's greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.
San Jose had social mobility comparable to Denmark's and Canada's and higher than other progressive cities such as Boston and Minneapolis.
Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people.
Mobility was not the dominant working-class strategy for coping with unemployment, nor was assistance from private charities or state agencies.
Mobility of this kind also meant mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, their simulataneous impact upon many groups of people.
During Phase II, from January to February 1991, a number of approaches were implemented in an effort to improve mobility and access to transport.
In particular, pastoralism favors a mobile lifestyle, and this mobility helps to explain the impact of pastoralist societies on this part of the world.
The US has always been a remarkably mobile country, but new data from the Census Bureau indicate that mobility has reached its lowest level in recorded history.
Indeed, several studies based on private-sector firms find that women' s mobility prospects improve, rather than decline, as they climb upward in corporate hierarchies.
The city had a large foreign-born population (26.5 percent in 1990), leading to broader diversity, which, the Harvard and Berkeley economists say, is a good predictor of mobility.
Keyssar uses these differential rates to help explain a phenomenon that has puzzled historians—the startlingly high rate of geographical mobility in the nineteenth-century United States.
In this view, Russian peasants' status as serfs kept them poor through burdensome taxes in cash, in labor, and in-kind; through restrictions on mobility; and through various forms of coercion.
The researchers identified seven major adaptive responses, including increased mobility, relocation of permanent settlements, changes in subsistence foods, and reliance on trade with other groups.
Without stirrups horse and rider are, in terms of force, separate entities; lances can be used from horseback, but only by throwing or stabbing, and mounted warriors gain only height and mobility.