College students taking Chinese also more than doubled between 1998 and 2009 to 60, 976 students, according to a study by the Modern Language Association.
Basing on the sufficient analysis to the various stylistic language materials, the author makes a thorough study to those Lihe words prescribed in "Modern Chinese Dictionary".
The vulgarism study of modern Chinese language is an unsubstantial tache in the history of researching common sayings of Chinese language.
In modern Chinese, "Rang" sentence is a very rich form, but its not put highlight on in grammar study and teaching Chinese as the second language.
This is a study of the Chinese loanwords in the Gelao language. The focus is on the loanwords from modern Southwestern Mandarin dialect of Chinese.
Chapter five makes the conclusions of signified looks, systematic properties and diachronic evolvement of "lowness" and "shortness" in modern Chinese by detailed study of language data.
Chapter five makes the conclusions of signified looks, systematic properties and diachronic evolvement of "lowness" and "shortness" in modern Chinese by detailed study of language data.