There's a striking moment at the start of Thucydides' "Peloponnesian War" when he surveys Greek history up to then. The striking part is, it only lasts a couple of pages.
If you’ve scoffed at the fortunes spent and uttered the phrase ‘a bunch of mercenaries’ in the past couple of years ask yourself this…would you like your team to face them at the moment?
A couple of other bonus side effects will become apparent after we discuss the algorithm itself, but for the moment just consider the issue of redundancy and then move on to the other goals.
I reflect for a moment: If I'd tried this experiment a couple of hundred years ago, I'd have been breaking the law.
So if I had a spare moment, I would hold the applique in front of the camera, at one corner, and shoot a couple of frames with a 24-millimeter lens, showing the ducky in its latest context.
Strolling through a garden abloom with pink and crimson roses, this romantic couple shares a sweet moment of their honeymoon.
Demographers in China will celebrate 2010 as a golden year: the moment when the "demographic dividend" of the past couple of decades will reach its peak.
Mullen remains largely off-limits except for one moment when I am able to throw a couple of questions.
I'd like to take a moment to point out a couple of the larger errors in this statement.
It is an important moment in the life of our nation, but I suppose above all it is an important moment for a warm and loving couple who have got a brand new baby boy.
'We were only a couple of metres away but I wasn't scared, it was such a funny moment, ' said Mr Watson.
I got my picture at exactly the right moment and it was very special for me because I had waited a couple of hours for something interesting to happen.
The truth is even a moment or two a couple of times a day will allow the mind a chance to regroup.
Times flies. You may have already returned to states. Hope you had a good time and enjoyed every moment stay in China in the last couple of days.
But, at the moment, we haven't really decided which of those questions are what we're going to bring to the table here, and what we have on our minds are a couple questions of our own.
At the moment, movie fans generally have to wait at least a couple of months before a picture is released on DVD or for digital download.
Think about that for a moment...... suppose you came across a blog that had only a couple of comments or none at all, what would be your first impression?
" He added Mr Ayala had a couple of wobbles and there was a moment when the skipping rope caught a frill on his clothes, but he was "fine, very steady".
" He added Mr Ayala had a couple of wobbles and there was a moment when the skipping rope caught a frill on his clothes, but he was "fine, very steady".