The Doha negotiations, which have stuttered repeatedly since their launch in 2001, appeared to gain some momentum this year when both India and the US signalled more enthusiasm for the talks.
Start small, choosing easier tasks to help you get started and gain momentum, then focus on items that are a bit more involved or difficult and just keep going!
To gain as much momentum and to prove services work, you best deliver working software regularly and celebrate to help to energize and motivate people.
Even though it is starting to gain more momentum, it is small if you compare it to the early hype around EJB.
Coasting reduces mechanical stress because you use the momentum you gain from building up speed to keep the car moving forward.
You'll start to gain momentum, and you'll give yourself a much needed psychological break.
If we can't do a better job, I think REST and REST description languages such as WADL will gain momentum.
Joaquin says that Firefox has created a rich environment for the company to distribute its add-on, but the company is now hoping to gain additional momentum from other browsers.
The recovery should gain momentum through 2010 and 2011.
When Facebook began to gain momentum in Brazil, the activity was most intense in southern parts of the country that border on neighboring Argentina, where Facebook was already popular.
Described as a "decision engine", Bing is the latest attempt by the Seattle software giant to gain popularity in the search market and wrestle some momentum back from its Californian adversary.
You will also gain momentum with each goal, which will motivate you towards the next goal.
First I was OK, I have been though a lot of earthquakes but the earthquake kept going and seemed to gain momentum.
For example, if you’re working in a job you don’t absolutely love, you should still give it your all, because new opportunities will show up as you gain momentum.
They also believed that if they could move forward with agile processes, they would gain momentum in convincing the greater project to move to an agile methodology overall.
G-20 backing will help us gain more momentum, so that we can build towards the goal set by Prime Minister Brown.
Getting specific tasks out on your to do list can help you gain clarity, take action faster and build your momentum to take more massive action.
Of course, you are going to need Allies for your idea to gain momentum, but I want to underscore that it is not necessary to have an ally to get started.
As you strike the tasks you've finished off the list, you begin to gain momentum. The feeling that you're making progress only motivates you to continue.
In doing so I gain some momentum and perhaps some insight in how the algorithm should behave on an edge case and a few normal cases.
Restults show that the gain, learning rate and momentum are critical for network convergence and stability.
Many economists believe the April-June quarter may produce a small recovery which could gain momentum in the second half of the year.
He hopes they could help Saab gain enough momentum to push its total sales to around 80,000 a year, the point at which it should break even.
He hopes they could help Saab gain enough momentum to push its total sales to around 80,000 a year, the point at which it should break even.